Sunday, September 18, 2016

Tao Wessuwan Sap Jaren 生财毗沙门天

Tao Wessuwan Sap Jaren (Holy powder material) Mahalap Sap Jaren batch from LP Ongsa of Wat Pah Sap Jaren, Tak. Already placed in steel casing. This Wessuwan is made with the same powder that contain over 25 types of holy relics from many famous Arahant monks of the Forest tradition, with takrut in front and temple chop behind. Each piece has immense power and energy to be worshipped. LP Ongsa is a top disciple of LT Mahabua, which is why he is able to collect so many types of relics. Excellent for power, authority, main and side wealth, boost luck, guidance and deflection of all danger. Consecrated in 2558 (2015). $200. SOLD. Thks for support!
生财毗沙门天(圣粉制)大富生财批 - 出自龙婆嗡萨,芭洒迦仁寺,来兴府。已装入钢壳。此毗沙门天王是用相同的粉制造,含有超过25种神圣舍利子制成,皆出自森林传统多位有名的阿罗汉圣僧。前面塞有符管、背后盖有寺庙标记。每粒牌都有强大的力量与气场让信众崇拜。师父是龙答摩诃布阿的高徒,所以才能收集到那么多的舍利。能赐予力量、威严、正财偏财、起运、 指导及顶开一切危险。佛历2558(2015)年开光。200元

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