Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Phra Pong Jatukam Ramathep 泽度金天神粉牌

Phra Pong Jatukam Ramathep (Holy powder material) Lak Meuang Puttakom Kao Or batch from AJ Khun Phan and LP Klan of Wat Kao Or, Pattalung. Already placed in micron gold and steel casings. There are 3 diff pims. With Jatukam and 16 Rahu in front, Lak Meuang and 12 Zodiac animals behind. This famous batch of Jatukam was chanted at both Wat Kao Or and Lak Meuang by many top guru monks of the South. Excellent for power, authority, wealth, success, boost luck, good business and protection from all danger. Consecrated in 2549 (2006). $100, $160, $200.
泽度金天神粉牌(圣粉制)城隍柱-考哦法术批 - 出自阿赞坤潘和龙婆堪,考哦寺,博他仑府。已装入镀金壳及钢壳。有3个模。前面是泽度金和16个罗睺,后面是城隍柱和12生肖。这批有名的泽度金是在考哦寺和城隍柱庙由多位泰南高僧一起加持的。能赐予力量、威严、 财富、成功、起运、好生意及在一切危险中得到保护。佛历2549(2006)年开光。100元, 160元, 200元

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