Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Roop Lor LP Tat Kee Seua Koo 龙婆踏骑双虎尊

Roop Lor LP Tat Kee Seua Koo (Loha material) Mongkon Barami 77 batch from LP Tat of Wat Chai Nah, Petchaburi. This rare roop lor from him has holy powder, mini rian, takrut, serial no and temple code embedded below. LP Tat is another top guru monk of Petchaburi who passed away in 2552 at the age of 77. He was best known for his powerful takruts, KP and Palakits. Excellent for power, authority, success, good luck, overcome enemies and protection of all danger. Consecrated in 2551 (2008). $70.
龙婆踏骑双虎尊(五宝铜制)吉祥波罗蜜77批 - 出自龙婆踏,猜那寺,佛丕府。这个稀有的自身尊底下塞有圣粉、迷你牌、符管、标记和篇号。龙婆是该府另外一位顶尖高僧,在佛历2552年圆寂,享年77岁。他最闻名的是威力强大的符管,坤平和阳神。能赐予力量、威严、成功、好运、克服敌人及在一切危险中得到保护。佛历2551(2008)年开光。70元

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