Friday, June 17, 2016

Takrut Maha Burapajarn 大祖师符管

Takrut Maha Burapajarn (Lead material, 4") from LP Chalong of Wat Wang Pla Got, Uthai Thani. Takrut is bound with thread and coated with black paint, with gold foil pasted in the middle. This powerful all rounder takrut brings the blessing and protection of LP's whole lineage of guru monks to the worshipper. It is a must for monks to carry it when they go for tudong in the forest. Excellent for boosting luck, warding off all weapons, guns, evil spirits, black magic, negative chi and danger. Consecrated in 2554 (2011). Only 299 pieces made. 3 pieces available. $60 each. SOLD OUT. Thks for support!
大祖师符管(锡制, 4寸)- 出自龙婆查隆,鲶鱼池寺,烏泰他尼府。符管用线缠绑后油上黑漆,中间贴金箔。此强大的全能型符管让崇拜者能得到师父整个传承祖师的加持和保护。他们僧人去野外苦行的时候都一定要佩戴它。能赐予起运、防御一切武器、枪弹、邪灵、降头、煞气及危险。佛历2554(2011)年开光。只做299支。有3支。每支60元

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