Monday, November 17, 2014

Phra Pidta Mahalap 大富遮面佛

Phra Pidta Mahalap (Bailan powder material) from LP Toh, Wat Pradoo Chimplee, Bangkok. Already encased in plastic. This batch of Pidta was blessed by LP at Wat Sala Kreun. Many top guru monks also helped with the mass chanting at that time. LP Toh the revered teacher of HM the King was most famous for his various amulets, especially Somdej and Pidta. He passed away in 2524 at the age of 93. Excellent for wealth attraction, prosperity and deflection of all danger. Consecrated in 2522 (1979). $160. SOLD. Thks for support!
大富遮面佛(贝叶经粉制)- 出自龙普铎,帕都寺,曼谷。已包塑胶壳。这批必打是龙普在萨拉坑寺所加持的。当时也有许多高僧帮助他一起大念经。龙普是泰王陛下最尊敬的老师,而他所加持过的多种佛牌都相当有名,尤其是必打和颂德佛。他在2524年以93岁高龄圆寂了。能赐予财富 、兴旺及顶开一切危险。佛历2522(1979)年开光。160元

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