Thursday, August 21, 2014

Takrut Thong Tuam Hua 金淹头符管

Takrut Thong Tuam Hua (Yellow copper material, 2") from LP Kui of Sab Takian, Petchaboon. This takrut is bound with thread and coated with gold paint, then with extra Yant drawn on it. This is one of his signature wealth takruts. LP Kui the "Wealth god guru monk of Petchaboon" passed away in 2554 at the age of 100. Excellent for wealth attraction, good business, good luck and deflection of all danger. Consecrated in 2552 (2009). $60. SOLD. Thks for support!
金淹头符管(黄铜制, 2寸)- 出自龙普魁,萨普塔乾寺,碧差汶府。符管用线缠绑后,油上一层金漆,再画上额外的符印。这是师父拿手的招财符管。被誉为“碧差汶之招财圣僧”的龙普魁已在佛历2554年以100岁高龄圆寂。能赐予财富、好生意、好运及顶开一切危险。佛历2552(2009)年开光。60元

Millionaire Katha:

Na Mo Put Ta Ya Ya Ta Put Mo Na
U Ah Ka Sa Ah Ka Sa U
Ka Sa U Ah Sa U Ah Ka
Na Cha Li Ti Na Cha Li Te
Hang Cha Li Ti Pa Li Ra Cha
Piyang Mak Mak Akaj Cheyya
Akaj Chahit Ehi Mah Mah
Na Ngern Thong Lai Mah
Na Cha Li Ti (3 or 9x).

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