Monday, August 4, 2014

Rian Nopha Kraw Palang Jakkawan II 九星法力轮牌

Rian Nopha Kraw Palang Jakkawan II (Nawa with Rae Leklai material) First batch from LP Ong of Wat Thep Singhan, Ubon Rachatani. This Rian is made using a mixture of Nawa and Rae Leklai. At the front is LP's image, back are the 8 Tewadas of Fortune, Yant Mongkon Jakkawan, temple chop and serial no. LP is one of the living great forest monks of the Northeast region, who is believed to have attained Iddhi powers through his meditation. Excellent for all around Metta, boost luck, changing bad luck into good, improve health, prosperity and evasion of all danger. Consecrated in 2556 (2013). 3 pieces available. $120 each. Sold out. Thanks for support!
九星法力轮牌(九宝铜与流铁制)第一批 - 出自龙婆瓮,帖醒函寺,乌汶府。此牌用九宝铜和神变流铁混合而成。牌前面是师父肖像,后面是8位转运天神,吉祥轮符印,寺庙标记及篇号。峦普乃是泰国东北部最受尊崇的森林苦行僧之一,而很多人相信他在禅定中修得神通。能赐予全面人缘、起运、转坏运为好运、增强健康、旺气及避开一切危险。佛历2556(2013)年开光。有3粒。每粒120元

Rian Katha:

Namo Tassa (3x)
Na Ganto Mo Gantang,
Puttang Atthu Wiya Attang,
Sangkang Pit Tantu Ut Tantan (3, 7, 9 or your age plus 1x).

**This Rian received good feedback from customers who
were suffering from bad luck cycle due to clashing with Taisui.
After wearing and praying to it regularly, their career, wealth
and health all stabilized significantly.**

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