Sunday, August 3, 2014

Phayant Tao Wessuwan Maharaj 毗沙门天王布符

Phayant Tao Wessuwan Maharaj (Cloth material, 27.5"x18") Phra Sangkaraj Pae 155 yrs batch from Wat Suthat, Bangkok. With temple chop, Wessuwan, Phra Kring, Chinaraj Indochin and many Yants on the cloth. This is a major batch mass chanted by HH Somdej Wat Paknam as well as 70 top guru monks from all over Thailand. Excellent for power, authority, wealth attraction, success, warding off black magic, evil spirits and all danger. Consecrated in 2557 (2014). $30. SOLD. Thks for support!
毗沙门天王布符(布制,27.5寸x18寸)僧王培155岁周年批 - 出自素塔寺,曼谷。布符上盖有印章、陶威苏弯、药师铃佛、印度清成功佛及许多符印。这是大规模的一批,由尊贵的颂德瓦琶南以及来自全泰国的70位顶尖高僧共同加持。能赐予力量、威严、财富、成功、使降头、邪灵及一切危险不得近身。佛历2557(2014)年开光。30元

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