Saturday, August 30, 2014

Rian LP Kasem Lang Lo Damruat 背警徽龙普卡贤牌

Rian LP Kasem Lang Lo Damruat (Bronze material) Police batch from LP Kasem of Wat Susan Tailak, Lampang. Already placed inside steel casing. This early batch Rian is made for the protection of police officers. LP Kasem was one of the most deeply respected guru monks in Northern Thailand during the 80s and 90s due to his powerful Samadhi skill. Excellent for prosperity and deflection of all danger. Consecrated in 2523 (1980). $100. SOLD. Thks for support!
背警徽龙普卡贤牌(铜制)警察批 - 出自龙普卡贤,素善代腊寺,南邦府。已装入钢壳。这早期的自身牌是做来给警员护身的。在八九十年代龙普卡贤是泰北最受尊崇的高僧,因为他的禅定已到超凡入圣的境界。能赐予兴旺及顶开一切危险。佛历2523(1980)年开光。100元

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