Monday, August 25, 2014

Si Peung Salika Dok Thong 淫女妙音鸟膏

Si Peung Salika Dok Thong (Beewax material) 1st batch from LP Chern of Wat Buddha, Singbrui. This is made with many kinds of Saneh herbs mixed with beewax, with Salika roop embedded in it. LP Chern is 89 yrs old this year and expert in Metta Saneh and Wealth wicha. Excellent Metta Saneh, attraction, mesmerizing speech and good business sales. Consecrated in 2556 (2013). 2 pieces available. $50 each.
淫女妙音鸟膏(蜂腊制)第一批 - 出自龙婆称,布达寺,信武里府。此人缘膏是用多种魅力药草和蜂蜡混合而成,上面塞了妙音鸟尊。龙婆今年已经89岁,精通魅力和招财法术。能赐予异性缘、魅力、迷人言语及好生意买卖。佛历2556(2013)年开光。有2罐。每罐50元

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