Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Ruk Kat 将军马

Ruk Kat (Loha material) 1st batch from LP Jant of Wat Sampasiu, Suphanburi. With kring inside, seal below, serial no and temple chop on both sides. The unique chess piece amulet is the first of its kind from LP. LP is one of the close disciples of LP Rung and had learned a lot of wicha from him. Excellent for strong attraction, quick thinking, fast success, solving problems, good business and protection. Most suitable for those born in Year of Goat, Tiger and Dog. Consecrated in 2557 (2014). 4 pieces available. $40 each. SOLD OUT. Thks for support!
将军马(五宝铜制)第一批 - 出自龙婆赞,山芭修寺,素攀府。此牌内有铃珠,底下有封印,两边盖有篇号和标记。这个特殊的棋子牌是师父首创的。龙婆是龙普戎的近身弟子之一,跟随他学了很多法术。能赐予强大吸引力、灵敏思维、马到成功、解决困难、好生意及保护。最适合肖羊、虎、狗之人。佛历2557(2014)年开光。有4粒。每粒40元。

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