Monday, June 5, 2017

Rian Phra Putta Toh Hak 破桌佛牌

Rian Phra Putta Toh Hak (Red copper material) 3rd batch from LP Thong of Wat Sampowchey, Pattani. Already encased in plastic. With LP's face or temple code chopped behind. Toh Hak is the most famous wealth fetching Buddha blessed by LP, which offerings to worship it were so much that the table often broke, thus earning its nick name. Excellent for all round Metta, main and side wealth, wish fulfilling, good luck, good business and protection from all danger. Consecrated in 2540 (1997). 2 pieces available. $60 each.
破桌佛牌(红铜制)第三批 - 出自龙普通,三宝彻寺,北大年府。已包防水壳。后面是师父肖像或是盖标记。破桌佛是老师父加持最有名的招财佛。据说大日子的时候信众拿来供奉此佛的供品多到桌子常常破掉;故被美誉为“破桌佛”。能赐予全面人缘、正财偏财、满愿、好运、好生意及在一切危险中得到保护。佛历2540(1997)年开光。有2粒。每粒60元

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