Poo Lersi Saming Prai 5" bucha II (Green copper material) 57
Commemoration batch from Wat Khao Laem, Sakaew. With ruby embedded on forehead,
various Yants, serial no and temple code engraved on the body, mini rians, Lersi
amulet and takrut embedded below. This batch was made for the 5th anniversary of
LP Kalong's passing away, mass chanted by many guru monks of the region.
Excellent for power, authority, guidance in necromancy, subduing all evil
spirits, black magic and protection from all danger. Consecrated in 2557 (2014).
十面派仙师爷5寸金身(青铜制)57纪念批 -
This is my collection of Thai and Chinese Buddhist amulets and images. Those who are interested in chowing can email me at waynew31@gmail.com or call me at +6594594897 or +66619921622. My shop address is at People's Park Centre, 101 Upper Cross St, #03-02, Singapore 058357. Shop closed from 26/06/2017. Will be open on 7-9/07/2017 for 3 days mass clearance sales, after which will be permanently closed. Pls come and support.
Sunday, June 18, 2017
Phra Pidta Mahalap Plod Pai 大富无险掩面佛
Phra Pidta Mahalap Plod Pai (Nawa material) School building
batch from LP Joy of Wat Si Utumpon, Nakhon Sawan. With Yant behind, temple seal
below and kring inside. Few people nowadays have his stuff also. LP Joy is a
disciple of LP Derm and one of the top guru monks of the province. He passed
away in 2550 at the age of 95. Excellent for main and side wealth, good luck,
good business and deflection of all danger. Consecrated in 2545 (2002). $80.
大富无险掩面佛(九宝铜制)建学校批 - 出自龙婆宰,席乌吞碰寺,那空沙旺府。此尊后面有符印,底下是寺庙封印及内有铃珠。现在也很少人有他的佛牌。龙婆宰是龙普登之高徒,也是该府的顶尖高僧之一。他在2550年圆寂,享年95。能赐予正偏财、好运、好生意及顶开一切危险。佛历2545(2002)年开光。80元。
大富无险掩面佛(九宝铜制)建学校批 - 出自龙婆宰,席乌吞碰寺,那空沙旺府。此尊后面有符印,底下是寺庙封印及内有铃珠。现在也很少人有他的佛牌。龙婆宰是龙普登之高徒,也是该府的顶尖高僧之一。他在2550年圆寂,享年95。能赐予正偏财、好运、好生意及顶开一切危险。佛历2545(2002)年开光。80元。
Roop Lor Phra Narai Song Kho 骑牛那莱神尊
Roop Lor Phra Narai Song Kho (Loha material) Ruay Koon Heng
batch from LP Dam of Wat Santitham, Sakaew. With holy soil, takrut and serial no
plate embedded below. This rare Phra Narai roop from him is Khmer style and
seldom seen in the market today. At that time LP was the top Khmer wicha guru in
Sakaew. Excellent for power, authority, success, overcome obstacles, boost luck,
invulnerability and deflection of all danger. Consecrated in 2552 (2009). 2
pieces available. $80 each.
骑牛那莱神尊(五宝铜制)富乘兴批 - 出自龙婆淡,叄帝昙寺,沙缴府。底下塞有圣土,符管和篇号片。这尊稀有的那莱天神尊是柬埔寨式的,现在在市场上很少见。当时龙婆是该府最厉害的柬式法术高人。能赐予大力、大威德、成功、克服障碍、起运、刀枪不入及顶开一切危险。佛历2552(2009)年开光。有2粒。每粒80元。
Phra Narai Song Kho Katha:
Namo Tassa (3x)
Ja Ah Ja Ma Ah, Ah Ta Sa Ra Ku Ku,
Ka Ka Mi Mi Mee Mee Sawahak (3 or 7x).
骑牛那莱神尊(五宝铜制)富乘兴批 - 出自龙婆淡,叄帝昙寺,沙缴府。底下塞有圣土,符管和篇号片。这尊稀有的那莱天神尊是柬埔寨式的,现在在市场上很少见。当时龙婆是该府最厉害的柬式法术高人。能赐予大力、大威德、成功、克服障碍、起运、刀枪不入及顶开一切危险。佛历2552(2009)年开光。有2粒。每粒80元。
Phra Narai Song Kho Katha:
Namo Tassa (3x)
Ja Ah Ja Ma Ah, Ah Ta Sa Ra Ku Ku,
Ka Ka Mi Mi Mee Mee Sawahak (3 or 7x).
Saturday, June 17, 2017
Phra Somdej Gradok Phi 鬼骨颂德佛
Phra Somdej Gradok Phi (Old powder material) from Phra AJ
Nu, Wat Pho Tatien, Bangkok. Already encased in plastic. This Somdej is made
from the same magical powders, special bone ash powder, as well as the difficult
to obtain "Wan Kraseu" as the original Pidta. AJ Nu made those amulets for
soldiers fighting in the Indochin war. The legend goes that Thai soldiers who
wore this amulet and were shot in battle could stand right back up again and
continue to fight. The Japanese thought they were ghost soldiers. Excellent for
all round Metta, main and side wealth, good luck, good business, sixth sense and
deflection of all danger. Consecrated around 2500 (1957). $250.
鬼骨颂德佛(旧粉制)- 出自帕阿赞奴,剖塔田寺,曼谷。已包防水壳。这颂德是用多种圣粉、特殊的骨灰粉还有非常难寻得的“飞头鬼药草”所制,跟传奇性的必打一样。师父是为了出征印度支那战争的士兵而制造那批牌的。据说当时佩戴此牌的泰国士兵尽管在战场上中枪也可以马上站起来继续战斗。日本人都以为他们是鬼兵。能赐予全面人缘、正偏财、好运、好生意、第六感及顶开一切危险。佛历2500(1957)年左右开光。250元。
**Offer food with 1 glass of water to Phra Somdej Gradok Phi every Wan Phra or full moon and new moon days. Every night before sleeping worship Phra Somdej Gradok Phi and request protection from the amulet.**
鬼骨颂德佛(旧粉制)- 出自帕阿赞奴,剖塔田寺,曼谷。已包防水壳。这颂德是用多种圣粉、特殊的骨灰粉还有非常难寻得的“飞头鬼药草”所制,跟传奇性的必打一样。师父是为了出征印度支那战争的士兵而制造那批牌的。据说当时佩戴此牌的泰国士兵尽管在战场上中枪也可以马上站起来继续战斗。日本人都以为他们是鬼兵。能赐予全面人缘、正偏财、好运、好生意、第六感及顶开一切危险。佛历2500(1957)年左右开光。250元。
**Offer food with 1 glass of water to Phra Somdej Gradok Phi every Wan Phra or full moon and new moon days. Every night before sleeping worship Phra Somdej Gradok Phi and request protection from the amulet.**
Friday, June 16, 2017
Takrut Gamlang Rachasi 麒麟心符管
Takrut Gamlang Rachasi (Lead material, 1.5") from LP Bua of
Wat Don Kwang, Korat. Takrut is bound with string, coated with black lacquer and
then with code chopped at both ends. LP helped many people in his area with his
amulets, whether it is in financial matters or miraculous escapes from danger.
This latest takrut from him is drawn according to the wicha of Rachasi Heart,
filled with great power. Adults who worship will be respected by their kids,
leaders who worship by their subordinates, people who lack belief in themselves
will gain confidence quickly. Or if u are often bullied by the boss he will
start to respect u also. If u travel frequently u will not be disturbed by
ghosts, evil spirits or harmed by dangerous things. Consecrated in 2560 (2017).
5 pieces available. $40 each. SOLD OUT. Thks for support!
麒麟心符管(锡制, 1.5寸)- 出自龙婆布哇,东旷寺,呵叻府。符管用线缠绑后油上黑漆,两端盖有标记。师父的佛牌在该地区帮助了许多信徒,不管是在钱财方面或者是奇迹般的避开了危险。这最新的符管是按照古老的“麒麟心法术”来画的,充满了威严力。成人和领导人崇拜此符管会受到孩子或下属尊敬。对自己没信心的人会越来越相信自己。如果常被老板欺负也会开始受到尊敬。对常出国的人则不会被鬼怪邪灵干扰,或任何危险伤害。佛历2560(2017)年开光。 有5支。每支40元。
麒麟心符管(锡制, 1.5寸)- 出自龙婆布哇,东旷寺,呵叻府。符管用线缠绑后油上黑漆,两端盖有标记。师父的佛牌在该地区帮助了许多信徒,不管是在钱财方面或者是奇迹般的避开了危险。这最新的符管是按照古老的“麒麟心法术”来画的,充满了威严力。成人和领导人崇拜此符管会受到孩子或下属尊敬。对自己没信心的人会越来越相信自己。如果常被老板欺负也会开始受到尊敬。对常出国的人则不会被鬼怪邪灵干扰,或任何危险伤害。佛历2560(2017)年开光。 有5支。每支40元。
Takrut Bailan Bandan Sap 生财贝叶符管
Takrut Bailan Bandan Sap (Bailan material, 2") from LP Bua
of Wat Don Kwang, Korat. Takrut is coated with black lacquer and then covered
with gold foil. LP helped many people in his area with his amulets, whether it
is in financial matters or miraculous escapes from danger. This latest takrut
from him is made from all the dried old scripture leaves that he used to do
chanting for the past 57 yrs, re blessed according to ancient wicha. Whoever
worships this takrut will always be successful and never lack prosperity in
life. Excellent for main and side wealth, accumulation of prosperity, success,
good business and protection. Consecrated in 2560 (2017). 4 pieces available.
$50 each. SOLD OUT. Thks for support!
生财贝叶符管(贝叶制, 2寸)- 出自龙婆布哇,东旷寺,呵叻府。符管油上黑漆后再用金箔贴满。师父的佛牌在该地区帮助了许多信徒,不管是在钱财方面或者是奇迹般的避开了危险。这最新的符管是用他过去57年用来念经的老旧贝叶而制成,再用古老法门重新再加持过。所以谁崇拜它都会成功而生命中绝不会缺乏兴旺。能赐予正财偏财、累积兴旺、成功、好生意及保护。佛历2560(2017)年开光。有4支。每支50元。
生财贝叶符管(贝叶制, 2寸)- 出自龙婆布哇,东旷寺,呵叻府。符管油上黑漆后再用金箔贴满。师父的佛牌在该地区帮助了许多信徒,不管是在钱财方面或者是奇迹般的避开了危险。这最新的符管是用他过去57年用来念经的老旧贝叶而制成,再用古老法门重新再加持过。所以谁崇拜它都会成功而生命中绝不会缺乏兴旺。能赐予正财偏财、累积兴旺、成功、好生意及保护。佛历2560(2017)年开光。有4支。每支50元。
Thursday, June 15, 2017
Rian Phra Narai Song Krut II 那莱骑神鹰牌
Rian Phra Narai Song Krut II (Nawa material) Traimat 50 batch
from LP Kalong, Wat Khao Laem, Sakaew. Already encased in plastic. With serial
no and temple code engraved in front, mini rian embedded behind. The front is
Narai Song Krut and back is 8-armed Hanuman. This is one of his most popular
Narai amulet, said to be very powerful. LP Kalong the top guru monk of Sakaew
was most famous for his Deva, Pirab and Lersi amulets. Excellent for power,
authority, success, overcome obstacles, boost luck, invulnerability and
deflection of all danger. Consecrated in 2550 (2007). $250.
那莱骑神鹰牌(九宝铜制)50三闭关月批 - 出自峦普卡龙,考联寺,沙缴府。已包防水壳。牌前面刻有标记和篇号,后面塞迷你牌。前面是那莱骑神鹰,后面是八臂猴神。这是师父最受欢迎的那莱天神牌之一,据说威力很强。峦普曾是该府之第一高僧,精通天神、披蜡及仙人牌。能赐予大力、大威德、成功、克服障碍、起运、刀枪不入及顶开一切危险。佛历2550(2007)年开光。250元。
那莱骑神鹰牌(九宝铜制)50三闭关月批 - 出自峦普卡龙,考联寺,沙缴府。已包防水壳。牌前面刻有标记和篇号,后面塞迷你牌。前面是那莱骑神鹰,后面是八臂猴神。这是师父最受欢迎的那莱天神牌之一,据说威力很强。峦普曾是该府之第一高僧,精通天神、披蜡及仙人牌。能赐予大力、大威德、成功、克服障碍、起运、刀枪不入及顶开一切危险。佛历2550(2007)年开光。250元。
Wednesday, June 14, 2017
Rian Lor Jao Sua Ruay Loo Foo 富饱座山佛牌尊
Rian Lor Jao Sua Ruay Loo Foo (Mixed copper material) Ruay
Loo Foo batch from LP Kong of Wat Klang Bang Kaew, Nakhon Pathom. With Yant and
Akaras, temple codes and serial no chopped behind. LP is the current abbot and
successor of the Jao Sua, Biagae and Cintamani lineage passed down from LP Boon
and LP Perm. His Jao Sua amulets are still very popular today. Excellent for
main and side wealth, career, stability, good luck, good business and protection
from all danger. Consecrated in 2559 (2016). 2 pieces left. $50
富饱座山佛牌尊(混合铜制)富到饱批 - 出自龙婆孔,岗邦轿寺,佛统府。背后刻有符印符字及盖有标记和篇号。师父是当今的主持也是龙普汶和龙普喷传下来的座山佛、挡降贝和如意宝药众法门的继承者。他的座山佛到今天仍很受信徒欢迎。能赐予正财偏财、事业、稳定、好运、好生意及在一切危险中得到保护。佛历2559(2016)年开光。有2粒。每粒50元。
富饱座山佛牌尊(混合铜制)富到饱批 - 出自龙婆孔,岗邦轿寺,佛统府。背后刻有符印符字及盖有标记和篇号。师父是当今的主持也是龙普汶和龙普喷传下来的座山佛、挡降贝和如意宝药众法门的继承者。他的座山佛到今天仍很受信徒欢迎。能赐予正财偏财、事业、稳定、好运、好生意及在一切危险中得到保护。佛历2559(2016)年开光。有2粒。每粒50元。
Rian Lor Jao Sua 100 Lan 千万座山佛牌尊
Rian Lor Jao Sua 100 Lan (Red Samrit material) 100 Lan batch
from LP Kong of Wat Klang Bang Kaew, Nakhon Pathom. With money bag, various
codes and serial no chopped behind. LP is the current abbot and successor of the
Jao Sua, Biagae and Cintamani lineage passed down from LP Boon and LP Perm. His
Jao Sua amulets are still very popular today. Excellent for main and side
wealth, career, stability, good luck, good business and protection from all
danger. Consecrated in 2557 (2014). 2 pieces left. $60
千万座山佛牌尊(红三合铜制)十千万批 - 出自龙婆孔,岗邦轿寺,佛统府。背后盖有几个标记和篇号的钱袋。师父是当今的主持也是龙普汶和龙普喷传下来的座山佛、挡降贝和如意宝药众法门的继承者。他的座山佛到今天仍很受信徒欢迎。能赐予正财偏财、事业、稳定、好运、好生意及在一切危险中得到保护。佛历2557(2014)年开光。有2粒。每粒60元。
千万座山佛牌尊(红三合铜制)十千万批 - 出自龙婆孔,岗邦轿寺,佛统府。背后盖有几个标记和篇号的钱袋。师父是当今的主持也是龙普汶和龙普喷传下来的座山佛、挡降贝和如意宝药众法门的继承者。他的座山佛到今天仍很受信徒欢迎。能赐予正财偏财、事业、稳定、好运、好生意及在一切危险中得到保护。佛历2557(2014)年开光。有2粒。每粒60元。
Tuesday, June 13, 2017
Takrut Jaturo Bang Gert Sap VI 四方生财符管
Takrut Jaturo Bang Gert Sap VI (Lead material, 2") from LP Wan
of Wat Mai Nong Nam Khun, Nakhon Sawan. Takrut is coated with black lacquer and
then covered with gold foil. LP blessed these takruts for 2 yrs already and said
whoever worships this takrut will have gold, money and property coming to him
from 4 directions. If he is in debt it will be cleared very soon. Very popular
in Thailand now and snapped up very fast. Excellent for main and side wealth,
windfall luck, freedom from debt, good business and protection. Consecrated in
2558 (2015). 5 pieces left. $50 each.
四方生财符管(锡制, 2寸)- 出自龙婆弯,新浓南坤寺,那空沙旺府。符管油上黑漆后再用金箔贴满。师父加持这批符管已两年,并说谁崇拜它都会有金钱和地产从四方来找他。如果欠债也会很快可以还清。现在在泰国非常受欢迎,一下就被请完了。能赐予正财偏财、横财运、除债、好生意及保护。佛历2558(2015)年开光。剩5支。每支50元。
Katha Jaturo Bang Gert Sap:
Namo Tassa (3x)
Jaturo Nawamo Tawecho,
Trini Pancha Satta,
Attak Eko Chawajja Racha (3-9x daily).
四方生财符管(锡制, 2寸)- 出自龙婆弯,新浓南坤寺,那空沙旺府。符管油上黑漆后再用金箔贴满。师父加持这批符管已两年,并说谁崇拜它都会有金钱和地产从四方来找他。如果欠债也会很快可以还清。现在在泰国非常受欢迎,一下就被请完了。能赐予正财偏财、横财运、除债、好生意及保护。佛历2558(2015)年开光。剩5支。每支50元。
Katha Jaturo Bang Gert Sap:
Namo Tassa (3x)
Jaturo Nawamo Tawecho,
Trini Pancha Satta,
Attak Eko Chawajja Racha (3-9x daily).
Takrut Jaturo Bang Gert Sap V 四方生财符管
Takrut Jaturo Bang Gert Sap V (Lead material, 2.5") from LP
Tawee of Wat Pah Khao Yoi, Sakaew. Takrut is bound with thread and painted gold
color, with "Ma Ah U" drawn on the outside. There is temple code chopped at both
ends. LP blessed these takruts for 1 year already and said whoever worships this
takrut will have endless wealth coming to him from 4 directions. If he is in
debt it will be cleared in no time as well. Excellent for main and side wealth,
windfall luck, freedom from debt, good business and protection. Consecrated in
2559 (2016). 6 pieces available. $50 each.
四方生财符管(锡制, 2.5寸)- 出自龙婆塔威,芭考由依寺,沙缴府。符管用线缠绑后油上金漆,外面画“吗阿乌”符字。两端也盖有标记。师父加持这批符管已一年,并说谁崇拜它都会有无尽的钱财从四方来找他。如果欠债也可以很快清除。能赐予正财偏财、横财运、除债、好生意及保护。佛历2559(2016)年开光。有6支。每支50元。
Katha Jaturo Bang Gert Sap:
Namo Tassa (3x)
Jaturo Nawamo Tawecho,
Trini Pancha Satta,
Attak Eko Chawajja Racha (3-9x daily).
四方生财符管(锡制, 2.5寸)- 出自龙婆塔威,芭考由依寺,沙缴府。符管用线缠绑后油上金漆,外面画“吗阿乌”符字。两端也盖有标记。师父加持这批符管已一年,并说谁崇拜它都会有无尽的钱财从四方来找他。如果欠债也可以很快清除。能赐予正财偏财、横财运、除债、好生意及保护。佛历2559(2016)年开光。有6支。每支50元。
Katha Jaturo Bang Gert Sap:
Namo Tassa (3x)
Jaturo Nawamo Tawecho,
Trini Pancha Satta,
Attak Eko Chawajja Racha (3-9x daily).
Monday, June 12, 2017
Mitmor Chaiya Mongkon Lek 小吉祥胜法刀
Mitmor Chaiya Mongkon Lek (Lek Nampi material, 2.5") Chaiya
Mongkon batch from LP Chaiya of Wat Kuan Kiam, Pattalung. Already encased in
plastic, with various Akaras engraved on the blade. Most convenient for wearing.
Excellent for power, authority, destroying black magic, vanquishing evil spirits
and protection from all danger. Consecrated in 2560 (2017). 4 pieces available.
$60 each.
小吉祥胜法刀(南劈铁制, 2.5寸)吉祥胜利批 - 出自龙婆猜雅,宽欠寺,博他仑府。已包防水壳,刀身刻有符字。这种小法刀最方便配戴。能赐予力量、威严、破除降头、消灭邪灵及在一切危险中得到保护。佛历2560(2017)年开光。有4支。每支60元。
小吉祥胜法刀(南劈铁制, 2.5寸)吉祥胜利批 - 出自龙婆猜雅,宽欠寺,博他仑府。已包防水壳,刀身刻有符字。这种小法刀最方便配戴。能赐予力量、威严、破除降头、消灭邪灵及在一切危险中得到保护。佛历2560(2017)年开光。有4支。每支60元。
Mitmor Pakkah Chaiya Mongkon 吉祥胜法刀笔
Mitmor Pakkah Chaiya Mongkon (Lek Nampi material, 5") Chaiya
Mongkon batch from LP Chaiya of Wat Kuan Kiam, Pattalung. With various Akaras
engraved on the blade, LP's name and temple engraved on the shell. Excellent for
power, authority, destroying black magic, vanquishing evil spirits and
protection from all danger. Consecrated in 2560 (2017). 2 pieces left. $100 each.
吉祥胜法刀笔(南劈铁制, 5寸)吉祥胜利批 - 出自龙婆猜雅,宽欠寺,博他仑府。刀身刻有符字,笔壳刻有师父名字和寺庙。能赐予力量、威严、破除降头、消灭邪灵及在一切危险中得到保护。佛历2560(2017)年开光。剩2支。每支100元。
吉祥胜法刀笔(南劈铁制, 5寸)吉祥胜利批 - 出自龙婆猜雅,宽欠寺,博他仑府。刀身刻有符字,笔壳刻有师父名字和寺庙。能赐予力量、威严、破除降头、消灭邪灵及在一切危险中得到保护。佛历2560(2017)年开光。剩2支。每支100元。
Sunday, June 11, 2017
Mitmor Mai Makham 醋栗木法刀
Mitmor Mai Makham (Wood material, 6") Jarenpon batch from LP
Peng of Wat Po Silatai, Si Saket. Carved from anti spirit tamarind wood, with
holy powder and takrut inserted in the head and various Akaras engraved on the
blade. LP is a well respected disciple of LP Suang and top guru monk in that
province. Excellent for power, authority, destroying black magic, vanquishing
evil spirits and protection from all danger. Consecrated in 2556 (2013). 2
pieces left. $80 each.
醋栗木法刀(木制, 6寸)赐福批 - 出自龙普萍,剖希拉泰寺,四色菊府。此刀是用辟邪醋栗木雕刻而成;刀头塞有圣粉和符管,刀身刻有多个符字,师父名字和寺庙。老师父龙普爽出名的弟子之一,也是该府高僧。能赐予力量、威严、破除降头、消灭邪灵及在一切危险中得到保护。佛历2556(2013)年开光。剩2把。每把80元。
醋栗木法刀(木制, 6寸)赐福批 - 出自龙普萍,剖希拉泰寺,四色菊府。此刀是用辟邪醋栗木雕刻而成;刀头塞有圣粉和符管,刀身刻有多个符字,师父名字和寺庙。老师父龙普爽出名的弟子之一,也是该府高僧。能赐予力量、威严、破除降头、消灭邪灵及在一切危险中得到保护。佛历2556(2013)年开光。剩2把。每把80元。
Saturday, June 10, 2017
Mitmor Chaiya Mongkon 吉祥胜法刀
Mitmor Chaiya Mongkon (Lek Nampi material, 5.5") Chaiya
Mongkon batch from LP Chaiya of Wat Kuan Kiam, Pattalung. Comes with wooden
scabbard, with various Akaras, LP's name and temple engraved on the blade.
Excellent for power, authority, destroying black magic, vanquishing evil spirits
and protection from all danger. Consecrated in 2560 (2017). 1 piece left. $120 each.
吉祥胜法刀(南劈铁制, 5.5寸)吉祥胜利批 - 出自龙婆猜雅,宽欠寺,博他仑府。此刀附有木刀鞘,刀身刻有多个符字,师父名字和寺庙。前面盖有篇号和标记 ,后面是符印和色银符管。能赐予力量、威严、破除降头、消灭邪灵及在一切危险中得到保护。佛历2560(2017)年开光。剩1把。每把120元。
吉祥胜法刀(南劈铁制, 5.5寸)吉祥胜利批 - 出自龙婆猜雅,宽欠寺,博他仑府。此刀附有木刀鞘,刀身刻有多个符字,师父名字和寺庙。前面盖有篇号和标记 ,后面是符印和色银符管。能赐予力量、威严、破除降头、消灭邪灵及在一切危险中得到保护。佛历2560(2017)年开光。剩1把。每把120元。
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