Saturday, August 6, 2016

Takrut Krop Pet Chinabanchon 金刚盾胜者之笼符管

Takrut Krop Pet Chinabanchon (Yellow copper material, 3") from LP Ong At of Wat Wirachot, Chachengsao. Takrut is covered with a layer of black string. This is a combination of Yant Kropet and Katha Chinabanchon. LP Ong At is the disciple of LP Lingdam, who established a new temple in the province for devotees to worship his master and grandmaster. Excellent for all round Metta, prosperity, good luck, warding off negative energy and deflection of all danger. Consecrated in 2559 (2016). 3 pieces available. $50 each.
金刚盾胜者之笼符管(黄铜制, 3寸)- 出自龙婆嗡阿,威拉绰寺,北柳府。符管用一层黑线包裹。这是金刚盾符印和紧那班充经文的组合。师傅是龙婆灵丹之高徒,在该府建立了新寺庙让信众崇拜他的师父和师公。能赐予全面人缘、兴旺、好运、防御煞气及顶开一切危险。佛历2559(2016)年开光。有3支。每支50元

Takrut Katha:

Itti Ritti Putta Nimittang,
Kor Decha Dechang, Kor Det Decha,
Jong Ma Pen Tee Peung Gaek,
Ma Ah U Nee Duay Therd.

Itipiso Bhagava, Arahang Samma
Sambuddho, Vijja Carana Sampanno,
Sugato Lokavidu, Anuttaro Purisa,
Damma Sarati, Satta Tewa Manussanang,
Buddho Bhagavati.

Heart Katha:

Weh Arahang Weh (9x-108x)

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