Friday, August 5, 2016

Phra LP Sotorn Lek Lai 流铁叟通佛

Phra LP Sotorn Lek Lai (Rae Kor Lan material) from LP Ong At of Wat Wirachot, Chachengsao. Already placed in waterproof micron gold casing. Each piece is molded from Rae Kor Lan, a special kind of mineral found only at Kor Lan cave in Chonburi, believed to bring good luck to the wearer. LP Ong At is the disciple of LP Lingdam, who established a new temple in the province for devotees to worship his master and grandmaster. Excellent for all round Metta, prosperity, boost luck, clear negative energy and protection from all danger. Consecrated in 2559 (2016). 2 pieces available. $120 each.
流铁叟通佛(郭兰矿石制)- 出自龙婆嗡阿,威拉绰寺,北柳府。已包防水镀金壳。每粒是用一种特别的矿石铸成,只有在春武里的郭兰山洞才找得到;据说它能给佩戴者带来好运。师傅是龙婆灵丹之高徒,在该府建立了新寺庙让信众崇拜他的师父和师公。 能赐予全面人缘、兴旺、起运、消除煞气及在一切危险中得到保护。佛历2559(2016)年开光。有2粒。每粒120元

Rae Kor Lan Katha:

Puttang Sitti Waja,
Thammang Sitti Waja,
Sangkang Sitti Waja,
Kapajow Mah Duay Kwam Borisut,
Na Mo Put Ta Ya, Ma Ah U,
I Sa Wa Su, Na Ma Pa Ta,
Phra Puttang Raksa,
Na Mo Put Ta Ya, Ma Ah U,
I Sa Wa Su, Na Ma Pa Ta,
Phra Thammang Raksa,
Na Mo Put Ta Ya, Ma Ah U,
I Sa Wa Su, Na Ma Pa Ta,
Phra Sangkang Raksa (3 or 7x).

*Can be used on oneself or to consecrate water*

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