Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Roop Maha Setthi Nawagot 九面财佛尊

Roop Maha Setthi Nawagot (Gelaithong material) from LP Jom of Wat Pah Ban Dondoo, Amnat Jaren. With kring inside, temple code and serial no chopped below. LP Jom is a deeply respected Forest Monk living in the frontier province bordering with Laos. He is 95 yrs old this year and has learned from great masters such as LP Mun, LP Khao and LP Waen. Excellent for all around Metta, wealth attraction, influence, career, good luck, good business and protection from all danger. Consecrated in 2555 (2012). $40. SOLD. Thks for support!
九面财佛尊(镀金制)- 出自龙普宗,芭半东度寺,安納乍能府。内有铃珠,底下盖有标记和篇号。龙普乃是居住在泰寮边境背受尊崇的森林苦行僧,今年已经95岁。他曾经追随龙普曼、龙普考和龙普威银学法。能赐予全面人缘、财富、影响力、事业、好运、好生意及在一切危险中得到保护。佛历2555 (2012)年开光。40元

Phra Setthi Nawagot Katha:

Namo Tassa (3x)
Makayo Mawayo Maihang Majakoji Upattawo
Tanya Tharani Pawassantu Thananchai
Yassa Yathakare Suwannani Hirannya
Ja Sappapoka Ja Rattana Pawassantu Me
Ewang Kare Sumana Chatisassa
Ja Anatabinthika Menathi Gassa
Chotika Sumangkalassa
Ja Manthatu Wessanta Rassa
Pawassanti Yathakare Etena Sajja Wacchena
Sappasitthi Phawantume.

**Can also used to bless water for good sales**

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