Thursday, April 20, 2017

Roop Lor Sian Lu Tong Ping 吕洞宾仙尊

Roop Lor Sian Lu Tong Ping (Rakang bell material) Toh Mankong Ngern Mangkang batch from AJ Chai of Wat Pakok, Songkhla. Made from the old temple bell, with 12 zodiac animals around the base and holy powder embedded below. AJ Chai is the current abbot of Wat Pakok. 53 other guru monks from the South and Central region came to help him bless this batch, which includes special Taoist deity amulets as well. Excellent for all round power, authority, good luck, guidance, warding off black magic, evil spirits and deflection of all danger. Consecrated from 2559-2560 (2016-2017). 3 pieces available. $50 each.
吕洞宾仙尊(铜钟制)哆稳嗯富批 - 出自阿赞猜,琶寇寺,宋卡府。此尊用旧铜钟溶化而成,坛部有12生肖围绕,底下塞有圣粉。师父是该寺的当今主持。其他53位泰南和中部的高僧也来帮助他加持这批牌,包括了特别的道教神仙。能赐予力量、威严、好运、 指导、防御降头、邪灵和顶开一切危险。佛历2559-2560(2016-2017)年开光。有3粒。每粒50元

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