Saturday, October 22, 2016

Takrut Phikat Nari Nang Kang 破女颏符管

Takrut Phikat Nari Nang Kang (Lead foil material, 1.5") from LP Chart, Patibat Tham Kok Sung, Roi Et. Takrut is bound with 2 strings and coated with red lacquer. According to LP this takrut has the power to break down any resistance to love, which is why it is called "breaking the girl's face". LP is a top master of necromancy in the province and his stuff are very popular among Malaysian customers, but still relatively unknown in Spore. Excellent for powerful attraction, success in love and relationship harmony. Consecrated in 2559 (2016). 5 pieces available. $40 each. SOLD OUT. Thks for support!
破女颏符管(锡片制, 1.5寸)- 出自龙婆查特,阔怂法舍,橫逸府。符管用两条线缠绑后油上红漆。据师父说此符管能破除任何对爱情的抗拒力,所以叫“破女颏”。龙婆是该府顶尖的降头师;他的东西非常受马来西亚信徒的欢迎,但在新加坡还没多少人懂。能赐予强大的魅力、爱情成功及和合。佛历2559(2016)年开光。有5支。每支40元

Katha Takrut:

Na Jai On, Mo Chak Mak Non Got,
Put Suad Got Yod Rak Saneha,
Ta Chet Nam Tah Mah Soo,
Ya Hen Nah Goo, Gor Yu Mi Dai,
Rong Hai Mah Hah Goo Sawahak (3x).

**Write the name of the girl on a piece of paper and
stuff inside the takrut. Recite the katha and
wish for love from the person, then u will have no
problems wooing her. Do not use it for evil or to
commit sexual misconduct, otherwise user will have
to bear the karma themselves.**

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