Monday, October 17, 2016

Roop Lor Lersi Poo Seua 虎爷仙师尊

Roop Lor Lersi Poo Seua (Green copper material) Bot building batch from LP Kalong, Wat Khao Laem, Sakaew. Already encased in plastic. With serial no, temple code, holy powder, mini rian and minerals embedded below. This is his most popular Lersi amulet. LP Kalong the top guru monk of Sakaew was most famous for his Deva, Pirab and Lersi amulets. Excellent for great power, authority, influence, guidance, subduing evil spirits, black magic, enemies and deflection from all danger. Consecrated in 2551 (2008). $150. SOLD. Thks for support!
虎爷仙师尊(青铜制)建大殿批 - 出自峦普卡龙,考联寺,沙缴府。已包防水壳。底下塞有圣粉、迷你牌、矿石碎、标记和篇号。这是师父最受欢迎的鲁士尊。峦普曾是该府之第一高僧,精通天神、披蜡及仙人牌。能赐予大力、威严、影响力、指导、降服邪灵、降头、敌人及顶开一切危险。佛历2551(2008)年开光。150元

Lersi Poo Seua Katha:

Namo Tassa (3x)
Nama Sitawa
It See Sitthi Lokanatang Anuttarang
It See Jak Panthanang Satra
Ahang Wanta Mitang
It See Sitthi Wessak (3x).
Sitthi Kijang Sitthi Kammang
Sitthi Kariya Tathagato Sitthi Tejo Jayo Nijjang
Sitthi Lapho Niran Tharang Sappa Kammang Prasitthime (1x).

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