Thursday, October 20, 2016

Si Peung Prai Kuman 派古曼人缘膏

Si Peung Prai Kuman (wax material) from LP Dui, Wat Ban Kiat Leung, Roi Et. Made from a mixture of PKM powder, Wan Dok Thong flower oil, various charming herbs and beewax. With KMT roop and takrut embedded in the wax. He consecrated this wax together with the NMP. LP is another top master of necromancy in the province. Excellent for strong attraction, popularity, influence, negotiation success, good business sales and protection. Consecrated in 2559 (2016). 5 pieces available. $40 each.
派古曼人缘膏(蜂蜡制)- 出自龙婆堆,班杰楞寺,橫逸府。此膏是用派古曼粉、淫女花油,多种魅力药草和蜂蜡混合而成的。蜡里塞有古曼童尊和符管。师父是和尸油一起加持这批人缘膏的。龙婆是该府另一个顶尖的降头师。能赐予魅力、人见人爱、影响力、谈判成功、好生意买卖和保护。佛历2559(2016)年开光。有5罐。每罐40元

Katha Si Peung:

Jittenak Madukam Tuttullahi Wajahi Opaseyak (3x).

**After reciting the katha and wishing for what u want,
apply the wax on your lips, eyebrows or the things
u wish to sell.**

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