Saturday, May 7, 2016

Takrut Phaya Nakaraj 龙王符管

Takrut Phaya Nakaraj (Copper and Skin material, S 1.5" M 2.5") 1st batch from AJ Narai of Ban Narai Plik Paen Din, Bangkok. Already placed in steel casing. There is small and medium size. This takrut is made using snake skin wrapped over copper foil. AJ has to go down into the river to invite the Nagas to bless these takruts. AJ Narai is a new Yantra master who learned from Kru Kalong, Poo Doy and Kru Noi, who is from Somdej Loon's lineage in Ubon. He has gained popularity on the internet for personally demonstrating the kongkapan power of his takruts. Excellent for strong attraction, boost luck, wealth, authority, warding off evil spirits and water ghosts, invulnerability and deflection of all danger. Consecrated in 2559 (2016). 19 pieces available. Sml $60 Med $80. SOLD OUT. Thks for support!
龙王符管(铜与皮制, 小1.5寸 中2.5寸)第一批 - 出自阿赞那莱,那莱覆地舍,曼谷。已装入钢壳。有小和中型。此符管是用蛇皮包裹铜牌制成的。阿赞必需要到河里面请龙神来加持这批符管。阿赞是新起的符法高手,学自卡隆师、多依爷和奈师。他们都是东北乌汶府颂德伦的传承。他在网上亲自展现他的符管刀枪不入的法力而让很多人非常惊奇。能赐予强大吸引力、起运、财富、威严、防御邪灵和水鬼、刀枪不入及顶开一切危险。佛历2559(2016)年开光。有19支。小60元 中80元

Katha An Chern Kru:

Om Kunasang Manak (9x).

Katha Klong:

Om Phra Pirot Got Phra Pinai (9x).

Katha Pluk:

Isi Itti Palang (9x).

*After chanting u can wish for u want from the Naga King*

Video of myself testing his new stuff with pen knife
Video 1 of AJ Narai testing his own takrut with knife
Video 2 of AJ Narai testing his own takrut with knife
Video of myself testing his takrut with pen knife

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