Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Takrut Jao Panya 智主符管

Takrut Jao Panya (Lead material, 1.25") from LP Chan of Wat Don Sanuan, Chainat. Takrut is painted with lacquer and with 3 Akaras chopped on the shaft. LP made this wisdom takrut to help his novices and students taking exams, giving them a boost in memory and intellect for solving problems. Excellent for boosting intellect, quick and sharp thinking, improve memory and understanding power. Most suitable for students. Consecrated in 2559 (2016). Only 972 pieces made. 9 pieces available. $30 each. SOLD OUT. Thks for support!
智主符管(锡制, 1.25寸)- 出自龙婆禅,东萨暖寺,猜纳府。符管油了漆,上面盖有3个符字。师父制造此符管来帮助他的沙弥和小学生学习考试无往不利,让他们打开记忆力和解决问题的思考能力。能赐予智力、快速敏捷思维、记忆力及理解力。最适合在读学生。佛历2559(2016)年开光。只做972粒。有9支。每支30元

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