Friday, April 8, 2016

Takrut Nang Jai On 心软女符管

Takrut Nang Jai On (Copper foil material, 2.5") from AJ Somsak of Ban Tamni Ngam, Rachaburi. This is a twin Takrut (inner and outer) that is bound with white thread. AJ Somsak is a master of ancient Khmer Saneh wicha. He combined 2 types of Yants into 1, one that has strong influence and the other softens the mind of the most stubborn women. Thus it is called "nang jai on". Excellent for strong attraction, influence, winning negotiations, relationship harmony and good business. Consecrated in 2558 (2015). Only 1 piece. $120. Sold. Thks for support! 
心软女符管(铜片制, 2.5寸)- 出自阿赞宋萨,昙尼黯舍,叻丕府。这个双符管(有内外两层)是用白线缠绑的。阿赞是古传柬式魅力法术的高手 。据他说此符管用了两种符印;一种有强烈的影响力,另一种能让最顽固的女人心软,所以叫“心软女”。能赐予强大魅力、影响力、谈判胜利、和合及好生意。佛历2558(2015)年开光。只有1支。120元

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