Monday, April 11, 2016

Takrut Mah Glom Nang 马催眠女符管

Takrut Mah Glom Nang (Fur and Lead material, 1.5") from KB Lert of Wat Thung Man Dai, Lampang. This special takrut is wrapped with horse skin and bound with Saisin. KB Lert is a disciple of KB Nanta, who passed on all his wicha knowledge to him. KB Lert is also an expert in Lanna Thai magic and the way to make Lukkok. Excellent for strong attraction, mesmerizing ppl, love success, good business and protection. Consecrated in 2558 (2015). 2 pieces available. $50 each. SOLD OUT. Thks for support!
马催眠女符管(皮与锡制, 1.5寸)- 出自古巴勒,同曼带寺,兰邦府。此特别的符管用马皮包裹,在用经线缠绑。师父是古巴南他之高徒,已学到他所有的法术。他也是兰那系法术的高手,学过如何制造路过。能赐予强大魅力、催眠别人、爱情成功、好生意及保护。佛历2558(2015)年开光。有2支。每支50元

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