Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Khun Paen La Sawat 求爱坤平

Khun Paen La Sawat (Mixed powder material) from Lersi Thammarat, Arsom Ratana Setthi, Roi Et. Made from many types of spirit powder, charming herbs and love powder mixed together, with 2 takruts embedded behind. Know that when Khun Paen wants to charm any lady, he never fails. LS Thammarat is another necromancy expert who has just started to test his power. He blessed this batch of KP for 3 months during the rainy season. Excellent for powerful attraction, love success, relationship harmony, good luck, good business and protection. Consecrated in 2558 (2015). 3 pieces available. $40 each.
求爱坤平(混合粉制)- 出自鲁士昙玛腊,财主宝法舍,橫逸府。此牌是用多种灵异粉、迷人药草及爱情人缘粉混合而成,背后塞有2支符管。要知道坤平想要得到任何美女的爱,是绝不会失手的。鲁士是该府刚出道的降头师;才开始试用自己的法力。他在雨季的时候加持了这批牌3个月。能赐予强大魅力、爱情成功、和合、好运、好生意及保护。佛历2558(2015)年开光。有3粒。每粒40元

Katha KP:

Su Na Mo Lo, It Ta Ka Mak,
Dit Dit U Nit, Samah Kamami (7x).

**After reciting the katha u can make a wish for
charm and love**

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