Sunday, February 21, 2016

Phra LP Sotorn Pim Klee Bua 莲苞模叟通佛

Phra LP Sotorn Pim Klee Bua (Holy powder material) from LP Nu of Wat Bueng, Nakhon Nayok. This is one of his earliest batch of amulets. With gold takrut embedded in front and Na Yant engraved behind. LP Nu is the direct disciple of AJ Fon and top 2nd generation monk of the AJ Fon lineage. He was also the previous abbot of Wat Beung. Excellent for all round Metta, good luck, prosperity, invulnerability and deflection of all danger. Consecrated in 2509 (1966). 2 pieces available. $180 each.
莲苞模叟通佛(圣粉制)- 出自龙婆奴,崩寺,坤西育府。这是他最早的佛牌之一。前面塞有金符管,后面刻有纳符印。龙婆是阿赞逢直传的弟子,也是阿赞逢传承第二代的宗主。他也是崩寺之前的主持。能赐予全面人缘、好运、兴旺、刀枪不入及顶开一切危险。佛历2509(1966)年开光。有2粒。每粒180元

**Special heart katha will be taught**

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