Thursday, February 4, 2016

Hoon Payon Perm Sap Perm Lap bucha 供奉型增财增富魂魄勇

Hoon Payon Perm Sap Perm Lap bucha (Straw and cloth material, 8" x 2") from PT Jao Saeng, Wat Ban Trang, Pattani. Hand made from straw, each piece is bound with red or white cloth, PT's jiworn cloth and Saisin. They also hold a spear. PT is an old guru monk of Pattani who is now famous in Southern Thailand and Bkk for his "Pran Boon" mask amulets. It is based on the Jataka tale of the Kinaree Princess Manora and Hunter Pran Boon, which spiritual dance is performed in temples of Southern Thailand and Northern Malaysia during big festivals. Besides Pran Boon, PT is also an expert in HPY and Kway Tanoo wicha. Excellent for wealth attraction, good luck, protection against thieves, black magic, evil spirits, weapons and enemies. Consecrated in 2557 (2014). 2 pieces available. $60 each. SOLD OUT. Thks for support!
供奉型增财增富魂魄勇(稻草与布制, 8寸x2寸)- 出自婆叹昭贤,般当寺,北大年府。它是用稻草手织出来的,每只用红或白布、师父袈裟布与经线缠绑。每只也手持长矛。婆叹是该府的老师父,他所加持的“潘布恩”面具牌现在红遍整个泰南和曼谷。它是源自受生传里头紧那罗公主马诺拉和猎人潘布恩的故事。这种灵性的传统舞蹈通常在泰南和北马的寺庙节庆里才可以看到。除了潘布恩之外,师父也是魂魄勇和护法神牛法术的高手。能赐予财富、好生意、防御小偷、降头、邪灵、兵器与怨敌的入侵。佛历2557(2014)年开光。有2只。每只60元

HPY Katha:

Namo Tassa (3x)
Om Pluk Maha Pluk, Goo Ja Pluk Poo Payon Duay,
Je Tit Ah Gang, Nah Mak Payon, Ni So Sa Ah,
Na Ma Te, Na Mo Put Ta Ya, So Sa Ah Ni,
Na Ma Pa Ta, Sa Ah Ni So, Na Ma Ah U,
Na So Sa Ah, Ga Ra Ma Ta, Na Mo Put Ta Ya,
So Sa Ah Ni, Metta Jittang, Sa Ah Ni So,
Mani Mah Mah, Na So Sa Ah, Na Cha Li Ti (9x).

*Invite with 2 candles and 9 joss sticks. On Wan Phra
offer with red Fanta drink, rice, cake and cigarette*

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