Sunday, February 14, 2016

Grathang Sihuhata 5" 四耳五眼神猴5寸香炉

Grathang Sihuhata 5" (Bronze material) 1st batch from KB Boonyang of Wat Huay Nam Won, Lampoon. With several Sihuhata and Yants casted around the urn, serial no and Akaras engraved below. KB Boonyang is currently one of the top guru monks in Northern Thailand. His Sihuhata amulets are very popular there. Excellent for wealth attraction, wish fulfilling, good business, good luck and protection from all danger. Consecrated in 2558 (2015). $220. SOLD. Thks for support!
四耳五眼神猴5寸香炉(铜制)第一批 - 出自古巴文洋,汇南翁寺,南奔府。香炉周围铸有数个四耳五眼和符印、底下刻有篇号及符字。古巴是目前泰北最顶尖的高僧之一;而他的四耳五眼神猴牌在当地十分受欢迎。能赐予财富、满愿、好生意、好运及避开一切危险。佛历2558(2015)年开光。220元

Sihuhata Katha:

Namo Tassa (3x)
Satu Ahang Namami, Phra Int
Akasecha, Putta Tipankaro,
Namo Puttaya, Yi Arana Arahang,
Kusala Thamak Samma Samputto,
Thusanaso Namo Puttaya,
Phra Sonama Yakko Mettan,
Maha Lapha Piyang Mak Mak,
Priwasatto Wasuni Hateh Hontu,
Jaya Mangalani (3x).

*Fill the bottom with charcoal pieces,
b4 covering the rest with incense ash.*

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