Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Roop Yin Koo Mah Sep Nang 马媾女和合神尊

Roop Yin Koo Mah Sep Nang (Mixed metal and powder material) from LP Chuen of Wat Tayee, Buri Ram. Already placed in micron gold casing. With temple code chopped in front, mixed powder and 1 takrut embedded below. This is another legendary attraction amulet from LP, made from many different types of powder such as Pong PKM, Wan Kalong, Jang Ngang and Nang Ork Daek. Occult materials such as coins from corpse mouth and coffin nails from 7 cemeteries were also melted into the copper. The late LP was a famous expert in many Khmer wicha and also the master of LP Goy. Excellent for strong Metta Saneh, finding love, charm, wealth attraction and good business sales. Consecrated in 2543 (2000). 2 pieces available. $250 each. SOLD OUT. Thks for support!
马媾女和合神尊(混合金属和粉制)- 出自龙婆趁,大易寺,武里喃府。已装入镀金壳。前面盖有标记,底下塞有混合粉及1支符管。这是师父另一个传奇性的魅力牌,使用多种药粉混合而成,比如派古曼粉、卡隆粉、张黯粉和女爱爆粉 。此外还将死人嘴里的钱币和7个坟地的棺材钉等灵异材料溶入铜中。已过世的龙婆趁是个精通多种柬埔寨法术的高僧,也是当今龙婆盖的师父。能赐予极好的异性缘、爱情、魅力、招财及招好生意。佛历2543 (2000) 年开光。有2粒。每粒250元

Yin Koo Mah Sep Nang Katha:

Namo Tassa (3x)
Na Ram Peung, Mo Kit Teung,
Put Non Mi Kem Tah, Ta Rong Hai
Tu Ron Tu Rai, Ya Mah Hah Goo,
Putto Laluay Thammo Laluay
Sangko Laluay, Jitti Nimitti,
Ehi Jittang Piyang Mak Mak (3 or 7x).

*Worship this amulet and think of the person(s)
u want to attract b4 reciting the katha. After finishing
u can make a wish for love from that person(s).*

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