Saturday, June 20, 2015

Nam Man Prai Nang Sukon 素空女尸油

Nam Man Prai Nang Sukon (Corpse oil and herbs material) from LP Tui of Wat Ban Kiat Leung, Roi Et. This oil is made from the remains of a female spirit named Nang Sukon, and mixed with mystery enchanting herbs such as Wan Jung Nang, Wan Phi Pong and Wan Kraseu. LP was a master of the occult arts before he became a monk. Excellent for powerful charm, attraction, finding love, relationship harmony, good business and evading danger. Consecrated in 2558 (2015). 2 bottles available. $120 each. SOLD OUT. Thks for support!
素空女尸油(尸油与药草制)- 出自龙婆队,班杰楞寺,橫逸府。此油是用一名叫素空的女鬼之尸油制成,混合多种神奇的迷魂药草,如勾女草、恶鬼草、飞头鬼草等等。师父在出家之前就已经是精通控灵术的法师。能赐予强大的魅力、吸引力、得到爱情、和合、好生意及避开一切危险。佛历2558(2015)年开光。有2瓶。每瓶120元

NMP Katha:

Jitenak Matukamang,
Tuttunlahi Wajahi, Opa Seyya (7x).

**Warning - Do not use it to harm ppl or
break up ppl's family**

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