Sunday, June 21, 2015

Nang Prai 3 Ton 三女魂

Nang Prai 3 Ton (Bone ash and Soil material) from LP Tui of Wat Ban Kiat Leung, Roi Et. The 3 females on the amulet represent the 3 daughters of Mara - Tanha, Raga and Arati. Their charm is so powerful that only Lord Buddha is unmoved by them. It is made from the bone ash of 7 women and soil from 7 cemeteries. With many crystals and takrut embedded behind. LP was a master of the occult arts before he became a monk. He learned this wicha from Cambodia and it is very suitable for those who want love. Excellent for powerful charm, attraction, getting love, relationship harmony and good business. Consecrated in 2558 (2015). 2 pieces available. $50 each. Sold out. Thks for support! 
三女魂(骨灰与土制)- 出自龙婆队,班杰楞寺,橫逸府。牌上的三女代表魔王的三个女儿 - 分別为极爱、悦彼和适意。她们的魅力无法抵挡,唯有佛祖能不为所动。牌是用7个女人的骨灰粉和7个坟地的泥土制成。后面塞许多水晶和1支符管。师父在出家之前就已经是精通控灵术的法师。他是从柬埔寨学得此法术,非常适合想得到爱情的人。能赐予强大的魅力、吸引力、爱情、和合及好生意。佛历2558(2015)年开光。有2粒。每粒50元

Nang Prai 3 Ton Katha:

Pa Ka Sa Ja, Ma Pa Ta Na,
Tanha Raga Arati Sitti Sawahom (7x).

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