Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Takrut Mon Sagot Jai 迷心咒符管

Takrut Mon Sagot Jai (Lead material, 1") from LP Chalerm of Wat Boon Nak, Samut Songkram. This is the latest love takrut from LP. Coated with Metta oil and temple code chopped in the middle. LP strongly blessed this batch of amulets for 1 year. He said whoever worships this takrut will experience a great boost in charm and easily find a desired partner. Especially singles who always have no success with the opposite sex. It is said that even the Tewadas and Asparas in their heavenly abodes will come down to see who is the wearer of this takrut. Excellent for boosting charm, attraction, finding love, relationship harmony and protection. Consecrated in 2558 (2015). 9 pieces available . $30 each. SOLD OUT. Thks for support!
迷心咒符管(锡制, 1寸)- 出自龙婆查冷,文纳寺,夜功府。这是师父最新的爱情符管。外面涂上人缘油,中间盖了标记。师父已强力加持这批牌一年了。他说若是有谁崇拜此符管都会大大增强魅力而容易找到所要的伴侣,尤其是对异性没什么成功率的单身人士。据说连天人天女都会从天宫飞下来看谁是这个符管的佩戴者。能赐予魅力增强、吸引力、寻得爱情、和合及保护。佛历2558(2015)年开光。有9粒。每粒30元

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