Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Dery Ngoo Lerm VI 蟒蛇爪

Dery Ngoo Lerm VI (Python claw material) from AJ Tah Poon of Arsom Tah Poon, Petchaboon. Already encased in plastic and filled with Metta oil. 1 silver takrut is tied around the real claw inside with holy thread. AJ is a mysterious white robe master who do not wish to reveal his true identity. However he said that he learned from LP Suang for 15 yrs as well as 295 other masters throughout his life. Excellent for boosting windfall luck, attract side wealth, strong Metta Saneh and evading all danger. Consecrated in 2558 (2015). 2 pieces available. $160 each. SOLD OUT. Thks for support!
蟒蛇爪(蛇爪制)- 出自阿赞搭普恩,搭普恩法舍,碧差汶府。已包防水壳,里面注满人缘油。里头的真蛇爪与银符管用经线缠绑在一起。阿赞是个不愿露出真实身份的神秘白衣师傅。但他说他曾跟随龙普爽学法15年,并且也在一生中跟295位师父学过法。能赐予赌运、招偏财、无比的魅力及避开一切危险。佛历2558(2015)年开光。有2粒。每粒160元

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