Sunday, April 19, 2015

Palakit Ging Rak Sorn II 叠爱树枝阳神

Palakit Ging Rak Sorn II (Rak Sorn wood material, 2.5") batch from LP Od of Wat Bang Muang, Nonthaburi. This palakit is hand carved, with takrut inserted in the middle and Akaras drawn over. It is very difficult to make, requiring LP to go to the forest to find a sky high Rak Sorn tree, give offerings facing the east and then make holy water for 3 days. After he obtains the branches, he then has to find a man with 8 wives to help him draw the Solot Yants onto the takrut. Excellent for strong attraction, popularity, easily finding love, wealth luck, good business sales and protection from all danger. Consecrated in 2556 (2013). 3 pieces available. $50 each. Sold out. Thks for support! 
叠爱树枝阳神(叠爱木制, 2.5寸)- 出自龙婆喔,邦幕盎寺,暖武里府。此阳神是手雕出来的,中间塞了符管,周围画上符字。它是非常难制造的,因为需要师父到森林里去找一棵参天的叠爱树,面向东方做供养,然后在那里加持三天的圣水。得到树枝后,他还必需找一个有八个老婆的男子来帮他画十六天符印在符管上。能赐予强大魅力、人见人爱、容易寻得爱情、财运、好生意买卖及在一切危险中得到保护。佛历2556(2013)年开光。有3支。每只50元

Palakit Katha:

Gan Hak Ne Hak, I Sa Wa Ha Yak,
Hak Ne Hak Gan, Jong Mah Rak Long,
Jong Jit Dit Jai, Chang Rak Ngah,
Mae Rak Luk, Meuk Rak Goo,
Om Sawahom Dit (3 or 7x).

**LP said it is to be used with caution, not to be
chanted too often. User must also not commit sexual
misconduct and be responsible to one's own family**

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