Phra Khun Paen Mon Riak Nang (Mixed powder material) from LP
Samchai of Samnak Song Siwilai, Nakhon Pathom. This "show hand" KP from LP is
made with occult Pong Attap, joss stick powder and Pong Nang Ork Daek. Already
encased in plastic and filled with Red Saneh Jant oil. With 4 takruts embedded
in front, 4 takruts, 1 Yin Koo roop and 1 ruby embedded behind. LP Samchai is a
disciple of both LP Tae and LP Pern. He said this is his most powerful KP
amulet. Excellent for strong attractiveness, charm, influence, love,
relationship harmony and protection from all danger. Consecrated in 2558 (2015).
2 pieces available. $70 each. Sold out. Thks for support!
This is my collection of Thai and Chinese Buddhist amulets and images. Those who are interested in chowing can email me at or call me at +6594594897 or +66619921622. My shop address is at People's Park Centre, 101 Upper Cross St, #03-02, Singapore 058357. Shop closed from 26/06/2017. Will be open on 7-9/07/2017 for 3 days mass clearance sales, after which will be permanently closed. Pls come and support.
Wednesday, April 29, 2015
Ngang Phaya Setthi Ong Kru 师尊财主黯王
Ngang Phaya Setthi Ong Kru (Maha Wan material) from LP
Samchai of Samnak Song Siwilai, Nakhon Pathom. Already encased in plastic and
filled with Red Saneh Jant oil. With 2 takruts and 2 rubies embedded in front, 3
lucky dice (666) and 1 ruby embedded behind. LP Samchai is a disciple of both LP
Tae and LP Pern. He said whoever worships this Ngang will become wealthy and
attractive. Excellent for boosting windfall luck, attract side wealth, strong
Metta Saneh and evading all danger. Consecrated in 2558 (2015). 2 pieces
available. $70 each. Sold out. Thks for support!
师尊财主黯王(摩诃药草粉制)- 出自龙婆三猜,席威莱僧舍,佛统府。已包防水壳,里面注满红月神爱油。前面塞有2支符管和2粒红水晶,后面塞3粒幸运骰子(666)和1粒红水晶。师父是龙婆得和龙婆本之高徒。他说谁崇拜此黯王都会变得富有和很有吸引力。能赐予赌运、招偏财、无比的魅力及避开一切危险。佛历2558(2015)年开光。有2粒。每粒70元。
师尊财主黯王(摩诃药草粉制)- 出自龙婆三猜,席威莱僧舍,佛统府。已包防水壳,里面注满红月神爱油。前面塞有2支符管和2粒红水晶,后面塞3粒幸运骰子(666)和1粒红水晶。师父是龙婆得和龙婆本之高徒。他说谁崇拜此黯王都会变得富有和很有吸引力。能赐予赌运、招偏财、无比的魅力及避开一切危险。佛历2558(2015)年开光。有2粒。每粒70元。
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
Dery Ngoo Lerm VI 蟒蛇爪
Dery Ngoo Lerm VI (Python claw material) from AJ Tah Poon of
Arsom Tah Poon, Petchaboon. Already encased in plastic and filled with Metta
oil. 1 silver takrut is tied around the real claw inside with holy thread. AJ is
a mysterious white robe master who do not wish to reveal his true identity.
However he said that he learned from LP Suang for 15 yrs as well as 295 other
masters throughout his life. Excellent for boosting windfall luck, attract side
wealth, strong Metta Saneh and evading all danger. Consecrated in 2558 (2015). 2
pieces available. $160 each. SOLD OUT. Thks for support!
蟒蛇爪(蛇爪制)- 出自阿赞搭普恩,搭普恩法舍,碧差汶府。已包防水壳,里面注满人缘油。里头的真蛇爪与银符管用经线缠绑在一起。阿赞是个不愿露出真实身份的神秘白衣师傅。但他说他曾跟随龙普爽学法15年,并且也在一生中跟295位师父学过法。能赐予赌运、招偏财、无比的魅力及避开一切危险。佛历2558(2015)年开光。有2粒。每粒160元。
蟒蛇爪(蛇爪制)- 出自阿赞搭普恩,搭普恩法舍,碧差汶府。已包防水壳,里面注满人缘油。里头的真蛇爪与银符管用经线缠绑在一起。阿赞是个不愿露出真实身份的神秘白衣师傅。但他说他曾跟随龙普爽学法15年,并且也在一生中跟295位师父学过法。能赐予赌运、招偏财、无比的魅力及避开一切危险。佛历2558(2015)年开光。有2粒。每粒160元。
Takrut Dok Dam Satang Khao 进钱黑米符管
Takrut Dok Dam Satang Khao (Lead material, 3") from LP
Yatanton of Wat Ban Phap, Ubon Rachathani. This takrut is wrapped with black
rice straw. According to LP this straw has the magical power to bring gems,
silver, gold and abundant wealth to worshippers. Rice and food will be full and
never run out. Excellent for main and side wealth attraction, good luck, good
business and protection from all danger. Consecrated in 2558 (2015). 2 pieces
available. $50 each. SOLD OUT. Thks for support!
进钱黑米符管(锡制, 3寸)- 出自龙普亚昙同,班芭普寺,乌汶府。此符管用黑米稻草包裹。据师父所说这种稻草有着神奇的法力,能给崇拜者带来宝石、金银及丰厚的财富。米饭食物也会常满而不会吃完。能赐予正偏财、好运、好生意及在一切危险中得到保护。佛历2558(2015)年开光。有2支。每支50元。
进钱黑米符管(锡制, 3寸)- 出自龙普亚昙同,班芭普寺,乌汶府。此符管用黑米稻草包裹。据师父所说这种稻草有着神奇的法力,能给崇拜者带来宝石、金银及丰厚的财富。米饭食物也会常满而不会吃完。能赐予正偏财、好运、好生意及在一切危险中得到保护。佛历2558(2015)年开光。有2支。每支50元。
Monday, April 27, 2015
Yin Koo Mah Sep Nang 马媾女和合神
Yin Koo Mah Sep Nang (Holy powder material) from KB Or of
Samnak Song Doy Jom Waek, Chiang Mai. This amulet is made with many types of
Metta powder. With many Mon Akaras engraved on both sides and 5 takruts inserted
below. According to KB this is a powerful love and attraction amulet. Excellent
for attractiveness, charm, finding love, relationship harmony and good business.
Consecrated in 2558 (2015). 3 pieces available. $40
each. SOLD OUT. Thks for support!
马媾女和合神(圣粉制)- 出自古巴哦,袋宗威僧舍,清迈府。此牌是用多种人缘粉混合而成。两面都刻有许多孟传符字,底下塞5支符管。 据师父所说这是很强的爱情魅力牌。能赐魅力、吸引力、寻得爱情、和合及好生意。佛历2558(2015)年开光。有3粒。每粒40元。
Saneh Metta Heart Katha:
Ung Sura Sati Piyang Mak Mak (7x).
马媾女和合神(圣粉制)- 出自古巴哦,袋宗威僧舍,清迈府。此牌是用多种人缘粉混合而成。两面都刻有许多孟传符字,底下塞5支符管。 据师父所说这是很强的爱情魅力牌。能赐魅力、吸引力、寻得爱情、和合及好生意。佛历2558(2015)年开光。有3粒。每粒40元。
Saneh Metta Heart Katha:
Ung Sura Sati Piyang Mak Mak (7x).
Takrut Maha Setthi Luang 御用大财主符管
Takrut Maha Setthi Luang (Copper material, 2") from KB Or of
Samnak Song Doy Jom Waek, Chiang Mai. Bound with thread, coated with brown
lacquer, with Mon Akaras and serial no engraved in the middle. According to KB
whoever worships this takrut will amass wealth until he becomes a millionaire.
Excellent for main and side wealth attraction, good luck, good business sales
and protection. Consecrated in 2558 (2015). 2 pieces available. $60 each. SOLD OUT. Thks for support!
御用大财主符管(铜制, 2寸)- 出自古巴哦,袋宗威僧舍,清迈府。符管用线缠绑后油上褐色漆,上面刻孟传符字和篇号。据师父所说谁崇拜此符管都会累积财富直到变百万富翁为止。能赐予正偏财、好运、好生意及保护。佛历2558(2015)年开光。有2支。每支60元。
御用大财主符管(铜制, 2寸)- 出自古巴哦,袋宗威僧舍,清迈府。符管用线缠绑后油上褐色漆,上面刻孟传符字和篇号。据师父所说谁崇拜此符管都会累积财富直到变百万富翁为止。能赐予正偏财、好运、好生意及保护。佛历2558(2015)年开光。有2支。每支60元。
Sunday, April 26, 2015
Takrut Mon Saneh VII 孟传魅力符管
Takrut Mon Saneh VII (Yellow copper material, 1") from AJ
Prakong of Wat Bang Waek, Bangkok. With many Mon Yants around the shaft. AJ
Prakong was the top disciple of famous white robe master of Mon Saneh wicha AJ
Puvon. Excellent for powerful Metta Saneh, Metta Mahaniyom, good business sales
and evasion of all danger. Consecrated in 2558 (2015). 4 pieces available. $50 each. SOLD OUT. Thks for support!
孟传魅力符管(黄铜制,1寸)- 出自阿赞帕孔,邦威寺,曼谷。茎身有多个孟传符印。阿赞帕孔曾是孟传魅力法第一白衣大师阿赞普翁之高徒。能赐予强大魅力、大众缘、好生意买卖及避开一切危险。佛历2558(2015)年开光。有4支。每支50元。
**Feedback from customers say that they experience a boost in popularity and charisma, as well as could evade police and customs checks after praying with this bracelet and reciting the katha**
孟传魅力符管(黄铜制,1寸)- 出自阿赞帕孔,邦威寺,曼谷。茎身有多个孟传符印。阿赞帕孔曾是孟传魅力法第一白衣大师阿赞普翁之高徒。能赐予强大魅力、大众缘、好生意买卖及避开一切危险。佛历2558(2015)年开光。有4支。每支50元。
**Feedback from customers say that they experience a boost in popularity and charisma, as well as could evade police and customs checks after praying with this bracelet and reciting the katha**
Palakit Salika II 妙音鸟阳神
Palakit Salika II (Nawa material, 1.25") from AJ Prakong of Wat
Bang Waek, Bangkok. With Salika on top, Mon Akaras around the shaft, serial no,
temple code and Silver takrut embedded below. AJ Prakong was the top disciple of
famous white robe master of Mon Saneh wicha AJ Puvon. Excellent for powerful
Metta Saneh, Metta Mahaniyom, attractive speech, good business sales and evasion
of all danger. Consecrated in 2558 (2015). 2 pieces available. $90 each. SOLD OUT. Thks for support!
妙音鸟阳神 (九宝铜制,1.25寸)- 出自阿赞帕孔,邦威寺,曼谷。上面有妙音鸟,茎身有多个孟传符字,底下有篇号、标记及银符管。阿赞帕孔曾是孟传魅力法第一白衣大师阿赞普翁之高徒。能赐予强大魅力、大众缘、动人言语、好生意买卖及避开一切危险。佛历2558(2015)年开光。有2支。每支90元。
**Feedback from customers say that they experience a boost in popularity and charisma, as well as could evade police and customs checks after praying with his bracelet and reciting the katha**
妙音鸟阳神 (九宝铜制,1.25寸)- 出自阿赞帕孔,邦威寺,曼谷。上面有妙音鸟,茎身有多个孟传符字,底下有篇号、标记及银符管。阿赞帕孔曾是孟传魅力法第一白衣大师阿赞普翁之高徒。能赐予强大魅力、大众缘、动人言语、好生意买卖及避开一切危险。佛历2558(2015)年开光。有2支。每支90元。
**Feedback from customers say that they experience a boost in popularity and charisma, as well as could evade police and customs checks after praying with his bracelet and reciting the katha**
Saturday, April 25, 2015
Phra Somdej 16 Chan 16层颂德佛
Phra Somdej 16 Chan (Holy powder material) 80yrs old batch
from LP Mee of Wat Manwichai, Ayuttaya. With 1 or 2 real gold takruts and LP's
hairs embedded in front, Hanuman Chern Thong behind. This is an old batch Somdej
from him. LP Mee was one of the top disciples of LP Jong and LP Parn. He passed
away in 2543 at the age of 88. Excellent for all round Metta, authority, career
success, good luck and protection from all danger. Consecrated in 2535 (1992).
$120, $200.
16层颂德佛(圣粉制)80岁批 - 出自龙婆米,降魔寺,大城府。前面塞有1或2支真金符管和师父毛发,后面是挥旗猴神。这是他早期的颂德佛。师父曾是龙普钟和龙普班之高徒,在2543年圆寂,享年88岁。能赐予全面人缘、威严、事业成功、好运及在一切危险中得到保护。佛历2535(1992)年开光。120元, 200元。
16层颂德佛(圣粉制)80岁批 - 出自龙婆米,降魔寺,大城府。前面塞有1或2支真金符管和师父毛发,后面是挥旗猴神。这是他早期的颂德佛。师父曾是龙普钟和龙普班之高徒,在2543年圆寂,享年88岁。能赐予全面人缘、威严、事业成功、好运及在一切危险中得到保护。佛历2535(1992)年开光。120元, 200元。
Phra Somdej Yonyut 旧模颂德佛
Phra Somdej Yonyut (Holy powder material) 1st batch from LP
Mee of Wat Manwichai, Ayuttaya. With real gold takrut embedded in front and LP's
jiworn cloth behind. This is an old batch Somdej from him. LP Mee was one of the
top disciples of LP Jong and LP Parn. He passed away in 2543 at the age of 88.
Excellent for all round Metta, good luck and protection from all danger.
Consecrated in 2538 (1995). $100.
旧模颂德佛(圣粉制)第一批 - 出自龙婆米,降魔寺,大城府。前面塞有真金符管,后面贴有他的袈裟布。这是他早期的颂德佛。师父曾是龙普钟和龙普班之高徒,在2543年圆寂,享年88岁。能赐予全面人缘、好运及在一切危险中得到保护。佛历2538(1995)年开光。100元。
旧模颂德佛(圣粉制)第一批 - 出自龙婆米,降魔寺,大城府。前面塞有真金符管,后面贴有他的袈裟布。这是他早期的颂德佛。师父曾是龙普钟和龙普班之高徒,在2543年圆寂,享年88岁。能赐予全面人缘、好运及在一切危险中得到保护。佛历2538(1995)年开光。100元。
Phra Somdej Kee Gai 骑鸡颂德佛
Phra Somdej Kee Gai (Holy powder material) from LP Mee of
Wat Manwichai, Ayuttaya. With Somdej riding rooster in front and Yant Kropet
behind. This is an old batch Somdej from him. LP Mee was one of the top
disciples of LP Jong and LP Parn. He passed away in 2543 at the age of 88.
Excellent for all round Metta, boosting luck, wealth attraction and deflection
of all danger. Most suitable for those born in Year of Dragon, Snake and Ox.
Consecrated in 2532 (1989). 2 pieces available. $60
each. SOLD OUT. Thks for support!
骑鸡颂德佛(圣粉制)- 出自龙婆米,降魔寺,大城府。前面是骑鸡颂德,后面有金刚盾符印。这是他早期的颂德佛。师父曾是龙普钟和龙普班之高徒,在2543年圆寂,享年88岁。能赐予全面人缘、起运、财富及顶开一切危险。最适合肖龙、蛇、 牛之人。佛历2532(1989)年开光。有2粒。每粒60元。
骑鸡颂德佛(圣粉制)- 出自龙婆米,降魔寺,大城府。前面是骑鸡颂德,后面有金刚盾符印。这是他早期的颂德佛。师父曾是龙普钟和龙普班之高徒,在2543年圆寂,享年88岁。能赐予全面人缘、起运、财富及顶开一切危险。最适合肖龙、蛇、 牛之人。佛历2532(1989)年开光。有2粒。每粒60元。
Friday, April 24, 2015
Phra Pajjek Puttajao III 缘觉佛
Phra Pajjek Puttajao III (Holy powder material) from LP Lersi
Lingdam, Wat Thasung, Uthai Thani. Already placed in micron gold casing. With
Pajjeka Buddha relic embedded in front. This is one of LP's most popular wealth
amulets. LP is the top disciple of LP Parn, most famous for teaching the
enhanced rich katha and building Wat Thasung into one of the grandest temples in
Thailand. Excellent for all round Metta, main and side wealth attraction, never
going hungry, boost luck and protection from all danger. Consecrated in 2534
(1991). $250. Sold. Thks for support!
缘觉佛(圣粉制)- 出自龙婆鲁士灵丹,塔怂寺,烏泰他尼府。已装入镀金壳。前面塞有缘觉佛舍利。这是师父最受欢迎的招财佛牌。龙婆是龙普班之大弟子,以传授百万财富经及将塔怂寺建立成为全泰国最富丽堂皇的寺庙之一闻名于世。能赐予全面人缘、正偏财、永不挨饿、起运及在一切危险得到保护。佛历2534 (1991) 年开光。250元。
Enhanced Rich Katha
缘觉佛(圣粉制)- 出自龙婆鲁士灵丹,塔怂寺,烏泰他尼府。已装入镀金壳。前面塞有缘觉佛舍利。这是师父最受欢迎的招财佛牌。龙婆是龙普班之大弟子,以传授百万财富经及将塔怂寺建立成为全泰国最富丽堂皇的寺庙之一闻名于世。能赐予全面人缘、正偏财、永不挨饿、起运及在一切危险得到保护。佛历2534 (1991) 年开光。250元。
Enhanced Rich Katha
Thursday, April 23, 2015
Phra Pidta Bai Po Piset 特别菩提叶遮面佛
Phra Pidta Bai Po Piset (Holy powder material) from LP Lersi
Lingdam, Wat Thasung, Uthai Thani. Already placed in micron gold casing. With
kring inside, Bodhi leaf Pidta image in front, LP Parn image and "Piset" chop
behind. This is LP's most famous Pidta. LP is the top disciple of LP Parn, most
famous for teaching the enhanced rich katha and building Wat Thasung into one of
the grandest temples in Thailand. Excellent main and side wealth attraction,
good luck and deflection of all danger. Consecrated in 2518 (1975). $300. Sold. Thks for support!
特别菩提叶遮面佛(圣粉制)- 出自龙婆鲁士灵丹,塔怂寺,烏泰他尼府。已装入镀金壳。内有铃珠,前面是菩提叶必打,后面是龙普班肖像和盖有“特别”字眼。这是师父最有名的遮面佛。龙婆是龙普班之大弟子,以传授百万财富经及将塔怂寺建立成为全泰国最富丽堂皇的寺庙之一闻名于世。能赐予正财偏财、好运及顶开一切危险。佛历2518 (1975) 年开光。300元。
特别菩提叶遮面佛(圣粉制)- 出自龙婆鲁士灵丹,塔怂寺,烏泰他尼府。已装入镀金壳。内有铃珠,前面是菩提叶必打,后面是龙普班肖像和盖有“特别”字眼。这是师父最有名的遮面佛。龙婆是龙普班之大弟子,以传授百万财富经及将塔怂寺建立成为全泰国最富丽堂皇的寺庙之一闻名于世。能赐予正财偏财、好运及顶开一切危险。佛历2518 (1975) 年开光。300元。
Phra Pidta Ngern Lan 百万遮面佛
Phra Pidta Ngern Lan (Rae Setthi material) 1st batch from PT
Prom of Wat Planupab, Pattani. Made from millionaire mineral, with Yants
engraved all over the body, serial no, temple codes and takrut inserted below.
Excellent for main and side wealth attraction, good luck and deflection of all
danger. Consecrated in 2554 (2011). 2 pieces available. $120
百万遮面佛(财主矿制)第一批 - 出自婆叹碰,琶拉奴坝寺,北大年府。它是用百万富翁锡矿制成,周围刻有符印、底下塞有符管、标记和篇号。能赐予正财偏财、好运及顶开一切危险。佛历2554(2011)年开光。有2粒。每粒120元。
百万遮面佛(财主矿制)第一批 - 出自婆叹碰,琶拉奴坝寺,北大年府。它是用百万富翁锡矿制成,周围刻有符印、底下塞有符管、标记和篇号。能赐予正财偏财、好运及顶开一切危险。佛历2554(2011)年开光。有2粒。每粒120元。
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