Friday, May 17, 2013

Takrut Maha Ut 大封身符管

Takrut Maha Ut (Lead and Copper foil material, 4") from LP Yuang, Wat Natangnai, Ayuttaya. Bound with thread and coated with black lacquer. The copper ones also have gold foil pasted in the middle. LP Yuang is one of the top disciples of LP Jong and also LP Parn. He is the current abbot of Wat Natangnai. Excellent for power, invulnerablity, courage and deflection of all danger. Consecrated in 2556 (2013). 4 pieces available. $60 each. SOLD OUT. Thks for support!
大封身符管(锡与铜片制,长4寸)- 出自峦珀原,那汤乃寺,大城府。符管用线缠绑后油上了黑漆。铜片的那些中间贴了金箔。师父是峦普钟高徒之一,也有随峦普班学法。他是那汤乃寺的主持。能赐予力量、刀枪不入、勇敢及顶开一切危险。佛历2556(2013)年开光。有4支,每支60元

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