Sunday, May 19, 2013

Pisia Riak Chok Pim Lek 小模貔貅八卦

Pisia Riak Chok Pim Lek (Mai Thep Taro material) Serm Duang 56 batch from LP Phon of Wat Intaram, Ayuttaya. This Pixiu amulet is made from a kind of holy wood powder. LP Phon is a guru monk expert in luck boosting and luck changing wicha. He passed away in Feb this year and so this is also his final batch. Excellent for attracting wealth, metta, good business, good luck and deflection of all negative chi energy. Consecrated in 2556 (2013). 2 pieces available. $35 each. SOLD OUT. Thks for support!
小模貔貅八卦(多罗神木制)补运56批 - 出自峦珀蓬,因塔兰寺,大城府。此貔貅牌是用一种叫多罗神木之粉制造而成的。师父是一位精通补运和改运法术的大师。他已经在今年二月圆寂,所以这个成为了他的最终批。能招财、人缘、好生意、好运及顶开一切煞气。佛历2556(2013)年开光。有2粒,每粒35元

Pisia Riak Chok Katha:

U Ah Ka Sa
Pisia Anupawo Metta Jittang Prasitti Me
Maha Laphang Na Mah Mee Mah
Maha Setthi Na Mah Mee Mah
Na Cha Li Ti (3 or 7x).

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