Thursday, June 14, 2012

Roop Meun LP Jong II 峦普钟

Roop Meun LP Jong II (Takua material) Ganpai batch from LP Jong of Wat Natangnok, Ayuttaya. With Akaras "Ma Ah U" and batch name stamped behind. LP Jong was one of the top 10 guru monks of Thailand in the 50s and 60s, famed for his compassion, Wicha and Iddhi power. Great for prosperity and protection from all danger. Consecrated in 2503 (1960). $200. SOLD. Thks for support!
峦普钟(锡制)挡险批 - 出自峦普钟,那汤诺寺,大城府。此牌背后印有“挡险”和“嘛-啊-唔"符字。大师乃是上世纪五六十年代泰国十大高僧之一,以其慈悲,法术和神通闻名。能赐予兴旺及在一切危险之中得到保护。佛历2503(1960)年开光。200元

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