Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Prakam Yok 玉念珠

Prakam Yok (Jade material) from LP Reuang of Wat Khao Sam Yod, Lopburi. With 108 pieces of dark Burmese Jade beads. LP Reuang is another top guru monk of Lopburi. However he is very ill and probably nearing the end of his life. Excellent for improving the power of chanting, wealth attraction, dispelling evil and evading all danger. Consecrated in 2553 (2010). 2 strings available. $100 each.
玉念珠(玉制)- 出自峦普楞,三峰山寺,华富里府。有108粒深色缅甸玉珠。师父是华富里另外一位顶尖高僧,不过现在已病重,寿命将尽。能有效增强念经咒的力量、招财、驱邪及避开一切危险。佛历2553(2010)年开光。有两串,每串100元

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