Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Roop Lor Hanuman 8 Gon II 八臂猴神

Roop Lor Hanuman 8 Gon II (3K material) from LP Lae of Wat Prasong, Petchaburi. Already encased in 18K gold. This is the final batch from LP. LP Lae is the No 1 guru monk of Hanuman amulets in recent times, who passed away in 2551. Excellent for power, authority, success, overcome obstacles, quick thinking and evading all danger. Consecrated in 2550 (2007). 2 pieces available. $50 each. SOLD OUT. Thks for support!
八臂猴神(金银铜制)- 出自峦珀列,帕颂寺,佛丕府。已包18K金壳。这是师父最后一批牌。峦珀列可是近代做猴神牌的第一高僧;他在佛历2551年圆寂。能赐予力量、威严、成功、克服障碍、灵敏思维及避开一切危险。佛历2550(2007)年开光。有两粒,每粒50元

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