Saturday, May 27, 2017

Roop Lor Por Ngang Jao Saneh 魅力主魄黯尊

Roop Lor Por Ngang Jao Saneh (Loha and Gelaithong material) Thep Noi Roy Lan batch from KB Or of Wat Ban Den Chai, Chiang Mai. With ruby eyes, holy powder, gold or silver takruts, various gems embedded below, temple code and serial no engraved at the base. According to KB this Ngang deity is more powerful than KP for attraction and love. KB passed away late last year at the age of 101 yrs old. This is his last batch of amulets. Excellent for strong attraction, love success, good business sales and evasion of all danger. Consecrated in 2559 (2016). 4 pieces available. Loha $50 Gelaithong $90.
魅力主魄黯尊(五宝铜和镀金制)亿万小神批 - 出自古巴哦,班殿猜寺,清迈府。此尊有红宝石眼,底下塞有圣粉、金或银符管、几粒宝石,基部也刻有标记篇号。据师父所说这个魄黯的魅力和寻爱力远超过坤平。古巴已经在去年年尾圆寂,享年101岁。这是他最后一批牌。能赐予大魅力、爱情成功、好生意买卖及避开一切危险。佛历2559(2016)年开光。有4粒。铜50元 镀金90元

Katha Por Ngang:

Manamang Maha Ngang Tanti,
Jittang Phuti, Mani Mah Mak,
Mah Mah Sawahak, Por Ngang Ery,
Jao Jong Mah Soo Hah,
Ow Si Mah Hai Goo (3x).

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