Sunday, May 21, 2017

Roop Lor Kuman Thep Set 古曼天尊配套

Roop Lor Kuman Thep Set (Loha and Holy powder material) Patihan batch from LP Khao Haeng of Wat Tha Pan, Surin. Each piece is bound with Saisin, holy soil and takrut inserted below, serial no engraved behind. This is his 1st batch of KMT. LP is the amazing 122yrs old disciple of LP Suang, the legendary eccentric monk who is said to have lived for 500 yrs. After he passed away, his disciples built a Chedi at Wat Prai Pattana to venerate his undecaying body. Excellent for all round Metta, main and side wealth, boost luck and protection from all danger. Consecrated in 2559 (2016). 2 sets available. $60 each.
古曼天尊配套(五宝铜和圣粉制)神迹批 - 出自龙普靠横,答班寺,素輦府。每粒用经线缠绑,底下有塞圣土和符管,背后刻有篇号。这是他第一班的古曼天。老师父是龙普爽之神奇的122岁高徒,而我们都知道其师是个疯癫和尚(犹如济公),传说已经活了五百岁!他当时被崇拜为一个神通广大的活财神。圣僧圆寂之后他的徒弟在派帕塔那寺建了灵塔来供奉他的不灭金身。能赐予全面人缘、正财偏财、起运及在一切危险中得到保护。佛历2559(2016)年开光。有2套 。每套60元

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