Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Yin Koo Saneh Rai Sin Tham 无戒律和合神

Yin Koo Saneh Rai Sin Tham (Wood material) from AJ Somsak of Ban Tamni Ngam, Rachaburi. Already encased in plastic. Each piece is carved from Jackfruit wood drawn with Akaras. It is then filled with Metta oil and embedded with Pong Ittije powder below. This Yin Koo is blessed using ancient Lanna heart binding wicha, as well as occult art. Its charm is so strong that the opposite sex will become completely crazy over the worshipper. AJ Somsak is a master of ancient Khmer Saneh wicha. Excellent for strong attraction, popularity, love success, getting back partners, relationship harmony and good business sales. Consecrated in 2559 (2016). Limited pieces made. 2 pieces available. $100 each. SOLD OUT. Thks for support!
无戒律和合神(木制)- 出自阿赞宋萨,昙尼黯舍,叻丕府。已包防水壳。每粒是用菠萝木雕刻而成再画上符字。然后注入了人缘油,底下塞忆地皆圣粉。这个印库是用古传的兰纳锁心法术还有降头术所加持的。据说可以让异性完全对崇拜者疯狂的痴迷。阿赞是古传柬式魅力法术的高手。能赐予强烈魅力、人见人爱、爱情成功、让伴侣回来、和合及好生意买卖。佛历2559(2016)年开光。数量很有限。有2粒。每粒100元

**No katha required, just pray to it with your mind
and ask for help in whatever area u require.**

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