Friday, January 6, 2017

Takrut Lek Lai Setthi Kin Nam Peung 食蜜财主流铁符管

Takrut Lek Lai Setthi Kin Nam Peung (Wood and Lek Lai material, 1.5") from KB Or of Wat Ban Den Chai, Chiang Mai. This takrut is made of spirit wood, with Lek Lai powder stuffed at both ends. According to KB this takrut possess great power to attract money, gold and silver to the worshipper, who shd offer the deity of the Lek Lai with honey regularly. KB passed away late last year at the age of 101 yrs old. This is his last batch of takruts. Excellent for main and side wealth attraction, boost luck, good business sales and protection from all danger. Consecrated in 2559 (2016). 4 pieces available. $60 each. SOLD OUT. Thks for support!
食蜜财主流铁符管(木与流铁制, 1.5寸)- 出自古巴哦,班等猜寺,清迈府。符管用灵木制成,两端塞流铁粉。据师父所说这符管具备强大的吸钱、金、银给崇拜者的法力,只要他常供养蜂蜜给流铁的天人就可以了。古巴已经在去年年尾圆寂,享年101岁。这是他最后一批符管。能赐予正财偏财、起运、好生意及在一切危险中得到保护。佛历2559(2016)年开光。有4支。每支60元

Takrut Katha:

Namo Tassa (3x)
Puttome Natho, Thamome Natho, Sangkome Natho,
Sakapaja Bucha Ja Maha Bucha, Tan Poo Doo Lae Raksa,
That Ansak Sitti, Ansong Rit Anupap Nee,
Isawasu Itipiso Phakawa, Lek Lai Jaren Mah,
Pen Setthi Jaren Ying, Jaren Dee Sing Dee Tang Lai,
Lang Lai Kao Mah Soo Gae Dua Kapajow *your full name*,
Sammak Sammah, Sammah Sammak, Na Ma Ah U,
Namapata, Namo Puttaya (3x).

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