Thursday, November 10, 2016

Takrut Na Jang Ngang 纳张黯符管

Takrut Na Jang Ngang (Copper foil material, 3") Wai Kru 59 batch from AJ Aik Yai of Wat Bueng, Nakhon Nayok. Takrut is bound with red string and with code chopped on one end. Na Jang Ngang is the famous all rounder Yant of the AJ Fon lineage. AJ Aik Yai is the top 3rd generation white robe master of AJ Fon lineage. Excellent for attraction, popularity, good luck, good business and evasion of all danger. Consecrated in 2559 (2016). 5 pieces available. $60 each.
纳张黯符管(铜片制, 3寸)59拜师批 - 出自阿赞益艾,崩寺,坤西育府。符管用红线缠绑,一边盖有标记。纳张黯是阿赞逢派系有名的全能性符印。阿赞是阿赞逢传承第三代的首席白衣大师。能赐予魅力、大众缘、好运、好生意及避开一切危险。佛历2559(2016)年开光。有5支。每支60元

**Special heart katha will be taught**

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