Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Sian Phra Pirab 帕披腊头

Sian Phra Pirab (Holy powder material) from LP Boonmak, Wat Pho, Bangkok. Already encased in plastic. Fully painted, with 9 gems embedded in front, hand drawn Yants and Akaras behind. This is a rare Phra Pirab amulet from him. LP Boonmak is famous for this Buddha face amulet and is one of the last disciples of LP Parn, LP Jong and LP Yee. He passed away in 2551 at the age of 79. Excellent for great power, authority, success, overcome obstacles, enemies, evil spirits, black magic and deflection of all danger. Consecrated in 2549 (2006). Last piece in temple. $220. SOLD. Thks for support!
帕披腊头(圣粉制)- 出自龙婆文玛,剖寺,曼谷。已包防水壳。完全上了色,前面塞9粒宝石、后面有手画符印和符字。这是他稀有的帕披腊牌。师父的金面佛最出名,而他也是龙普班、龙普钟和龙普宜的最后弟子之一。他在2551年圆寂,享年 79。能赐予大力、大威德、成功、克服障碍、敌人、邪灵、降头及顶开一切危险。佛历2549(2006)年开光。庙里最后1粒。220元

Katha Phra Pirab:

Wantitawa Asura Thepanang,
Mahanta Palang Antarayang Winassanti,
Sitti Kariya Pirata Surayang,
Wicha Jarana Sampannang Nama Mihang,
Om Phra Pirab Namaha (3x).

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