Monday, July 25, 2016

Palakit Kalapan Dam 黑珊瑚阳神

Palakit Kalapan Dam (Coral material, 2") from LP Foo of Wat Bangsamak, Chachengsao. Carved from black coral, with Akaras engraved on the shaft. LP Foo is the top guru monk of the province and most famous for his Hanuman and Palakit amulets. Excellent for popularity, good luck, good business sales and protection. Consecrated in 2558 (2015). 2 pieces available. $50 each.
黑珊瑚阳神(珊瑚制, 2寸)- 出自龙普夫,邦萨玛寺,北柳府。阳神是用黑珊瑚雕刻出来的,茎身刻有符字。龙普是该府之顶尖高僧,而他的猴神和阳神牌最出名。能赐予大众缘、好运、好生意买卖及保护。佛历2558(2015)年开光。有2支。每支50元

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