Friday, July 1, 2016

Nam Man Dok Rak Sorn 叠爱花油

Nam Man Dok Rak Sorn (Oil material) from LP Nak of Wat Don Seua, Chainat. This oil is made by soaking it in the rare Rak Sorn flower, believed to have strong seductive power. It is then strongly blessed by LP. LP Nak is an old guru monk from LP Kong and LP Suk's lineage. Excellent for great attraction, charm, influence, success in love and good business sales. Consecrated in 2559 (2016). 2 bottles available. $60 each. SOLD OUT. Thks for support!
叠爱花油(油制)- 出自龙普那,冬舌寺,猜纳府。此油是用稀有的叠爱花泡制而成,再经过师父的大力加持。据说叠爱花有很强的催情能力。龙普是得到龙普空和龙普素两大传承的老师父。能赐予大魅力、吸引力、影响力、求爱及买卖成功。佛历2559(2016)年开光。有2瓶。每瓶60元

Nam Man Katha:

Na Orn Jai Rak, Mo Chak Mer Non,
Put Ta Suam Got, Ta Yod Saneha,
Ya Chet Nam Tah Mah Soo,
Soo Yu Midai, Ja Rong Hai Kat Jai Dai,
Dong Ta Gai Mah Hah Goo,
Ehi Itti Yah (name of person or persons)
Mani Mah Mah (3x).

*After chanting u can wish for love or good sales
and then apply the oil on yourself of the thing u
wish to sell*

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