Tuesday, July 26, 2016

LP Parn 3" bucha 龙普班3寸供奉型

LP Parn 3" bucha (Resin material) from LP Ong At of Wat Wirachot, Chachengsao. Fully painted and solid piece. Comes with decorative background casing. LP Ong At is the disciple of LP Lingdam, who established a new temple in the province for devotees to worship his master and grandmaster. Excellent for all round Metta, wealth attraction, guidance and protection from all danger. Consecrated in 2559 (2016). $100.
龙普班3寸供奉型(塑料制)- 出自龙婆嗡阿,威拉绰寺,北柳府。这是完全上色和实身的供奉型。附送装饰性的背景盒。师傅是龙婆灵丹之高徒,在该府建立了新寺庙让信众崇拜他的师父和师公。能赐予全面人缘、财富、指导及保护。佛历2559(2016)年开光。100元

Enhanced Rich Katha

LP Lersi Lingdam 3" bucha 龙婆鲁士灵丹3寸供奉型

LP Lersi Lingdam 3" bucha (Resin material) from LP Ong At of Wat Wirachot, Chachengsao. Fully painted and solid piece. LP Ong At is the disciple of LP Lingdam, who established a new temple in the province for devotees to worship his master and grandmaster. Excellent for all round Metta, wealth attraction, guidance and protection from all danger. Consecrated in 2559 (2016). $70.
龙婆鲁士灵丹3寸供奉型(塑料制)- 出自龙婆嗡阿,威拉绰寺,北柳府。这是完全上色和实身的供奉型。师傅是龙婆灵丹之高徒,在该府建立了新寺庙让信众崇拜他的师父和师公。能赐予全面人缘、财富、指导及保护。佛历2559(2016)年开光。70元

Enhanced Rich Katha

Monday, July 25, 2016

Palakit Kalapan Dam 黑珊瑚阳神

Palakit Kalapan Dam (Coral material, 2") from LP Foo of Wat Bangsamak, Chachengsao. Carved from black coral, with Akaras engraved on the shaft. LP Foo is the top guru monk of the province and most famous for his Hanuman and Palakit amulets. Excellent for popularity, good luck, good business sales and protection. Consecrated in 2558 (2015). 2 pieces available. $50 each.
黑珊瑚阳神(珊瑚制, 2寸)- 出自龙普夫,邦萨玛寺,北柳府。阳神是用黑珊瑚雕刻出来的,茎身刻有符字。龙普是该府之顶尖高僧,而他的猴神和阳神牌最出名。能赐予大众缘、好运、好生意买卖及保护。佛历2558(2015)年开光。有2支。每支50元

Palakit Mai Payung 柚木阳神

Palakit Mai Payung (Wood material, 2.5") from LP Foo of Wat Bangsamak, Chachengsao. Carved from teakwood, with kring inside and Akaras engraved all over the shaft. LP Foo is the top guru monk of the province and most famous for his Hanuman and Palakit amulets. Excellent for popularity, good luck, good business sales and protection. Consecrated in 2558 (2015). 4 pieces available. $50 each.
柚木阳神(木制, 2.5寸)- 出自龙普夫,邦萨玛寺,北柳府。阳神是用柚木雕刻出来的,内有铃珠,茎身刻有许多符字。龙普是该府之顶尖高僧,而他的猴神和阳神牌最出名。能赐予大众缘、好运、好生意买卖及保护。佛历2558(2015)年开光。 有4支。每支50元

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Phra Pidta Loy Ong 浮尊掩面佛

Phra Pidta Loy Ong (Ash powder material) Mahalap batch from LP Chuay of Wat Khao Noi, Sukhothai. This Pidta is made from bone ash and holy soil collected from many places, and mixed with powder from old Pidta Gradok Phi. It is coated with red lacquer, and has many Yants and Akaras engraved all over the body. LP Chuay has become famous recently thru the making of these ghost pidta amulets. Excellent for main and side wealth, boost luck, 6th sense, invulnerability and deflection of all danger. Consecrated in 2559 (2016). $150. SOLD. Thks for support!
浮尊掩面佛(骨灰粉制)大富批 - 出自龙婆揣,考奈寺,素可泰府。此必打是用多个地方的骨灰粉和圣土,混合旧鬼骨必打粉混合而制成。它身上周围刻有许多符印符字,并油了红漆。师父最近因为重造这批鬼必打而名声大噪。能赐予正财偏财、起运、第六感、刀枪不入及顶开一切危险。佛历2559(2016)年开光。150元

Friday, July 22, 2016

Roop Chuchok Maha Setthi 祝啄大财主尊

Roop Chuchok Maha Setthi (Yellow copper material) Saoha batch from LP Foo of Wat Bangsamak, Chachengsao. This is an old batch Chuchok from him. With temple code and serial no engraved behind, holy powder stuffed below. LP Foo is the top guru monk of the province and most famous for his Hanuman and Palakit amulets. Excellent for main and side wealth, boost luck, wish fulfillment, good business sales and protection. Consecrated in 2553 (2010). 3 pieces available. $50 each.
祝啄大财主尊(黄铜制)韶哈批 - 出自龙普夫,邦萨玛寺,北柳府。这是师父旧批的祝啄。后面刻有标记和篇号,底下塞有圣粉。龙普是该府之顶尖高僧,而他的猴神和阳神牌最出名。能赐予正财偏财、起运、满愿、好生意买卖及保护。佛历2553(2010)年开光。有3粒。每粒50元

Let Kor Mer Pet Glab 金刚回遮手链

Let Kor Mer Pet Glab (Silver plated material) Sotorn Sap batch from LP Foo of Wat Bangsamak, Chachengsao. Front is Hanuman heads and LP Foo image, back is LP Sotorn image. With temple codes and serial no engraved below. LP Foo is the top guru monk of the province and he blessed this latest batch of amulets at Wat Bang Pakong. Other top guru monks like LP Gliang, LP Sin and LP Hok also helped to bless this batch. Excellent for power, authority, wealth, success, overcome obstacles and deflection of all danger. Consecrated in 2559 (2016). 2 pieces available. $120 each.
金刚回遮手链(镀银制)叟通财批 - 出自龙普夫,邦萨玛寺,北柳府。前面是猴神头和龙普夫肖像,后面是叟通佛肖像。底下刻有标记和篇号。龙普是该府之顶尖高僧,而这是他在邦帕空寺加持的最新一批牌。其他的顶尖高僧如龙普格梁、龙普型和龙普霍也来帮助他加持这批牌。能赐予力量、威严、财富、成功、克服障碍及顶开一切危险。佛历2559(2016)年开光。有2条。每条120元

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Kiao Gaew Nakaraj 龙王牙

Kiao Gaew Nakaraj (Copper longya material) from LP Pisit of Wat Bang Pakong, Chachengsao. Fully painted, with temple code and serial no chopped on both sides. LP Foo the top guru monk of the province also helped to bless this batch. Excellent for wealth attraction, boost luck, prosperity, good business and protection from all danger. Most suitable for those born in Year of Rat, Monkey and Rooster. Consecrated in 2557 (2014). 2 pieces available. $40 each.
龙王牙(彩色铜制)- 出自龙婆披锡,邦帕空寺,北柳府。完全上了色,两边盖有标记和篇号。龙普夫该府之顶尖高僧有来帮助加持这批牌。能赐予财富、起运、兴旺、好生意及在一切危险中得到保护。最适合肖鼠、猴、鸡之人。佛历2557(2014)年开光。有2粒。每粒40元

Rian Phra Mae Thorani 大地女神牌

Rian Phra Mae Thorani (3K material) from LP Pisit of Wat Bang Pakong, Chachengsao. With Yant Kropet, temple code and serial no chopped behind. LP Foo the top guru monk of the province also helped to bless this batch. Excellent for all round Metta, wealth, boost luck, prosperity and protection from all danger. Most suitable for those who lack Earth in their Bazi or doing Earth related business. Consecrated in 2557 (2014). 2 pieces available. $50 each. SOLD OUT. Thks for support!
大地女神牌(金银铜制)- 出自龙婆披锡,邦帕空寺,北柳府。后面有金刚盾符印和盖有标记篇号。龙普夫该府之顶尖高僧有来帮助加持这批牌。能赐予全面人缘、财富、起运、兴旺及在一切危险中得到保护。最适合八字缺土和做土地相关生意之人。佛历2557(2014)年开光。有2粒。每粒50元

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Phra Pong Hanuman Chinabanchon 胜魔猴神粉牌

Phra Pong Hanuman Chinabanchon (Mixed powder material) from LP Foo of Wat Bangsamak, Chachengsao. This piece is made of many types of Wan and holy powder. The front is Hanuman battling with the demon Totsakan (Ravana). With yellow copper mask and holy powder in front, shredded herbs and jiworn cloth pasted behind. LP Foo is the top guru monk of the province and this is his previous batch of amulets. Excellent for power, authority, success, overcome obstacles, warding off black magic, evil spirits and all danger. Consecrated in 2558 (2014). 2 pieces available. $60 each. SOLD OUT. Thks for support!
胜魔猴神粉牌(混合粉制)- 出自龙普夫,邦萨玛寺,北柳府。此牌是用多种药草和圣粉混合而成的。前面是哈奴曼与魔王托萨干在战斗。前面有黄铜壳和沾圣粉,后面贴有碎药草和袈裟布。龙普是该府之顶尖高僧,而这是他之前一批牌。能赐予力量、威严、成功、克服障碍、使降头、邪灵及一切危险不得近身。佛历2558(2015)年开光。有2粒。每粒60元

Rian Lor Hanuman Maha Prab 大降伏猴神牌

Rian Lor Hanuman Maha Prab (Nawa and 3K material) Sotorn Sap batch from LP Foo of Wat Bangsamak, Chachengsao. Already placed in micron gold casings, with temple codes and serial no chopped behind. LP Foo is the top guru monk of the province and he blessed this latest batch of amulets at Wat Bang Pakong. Other top guru monks like LP Gliang, LP Sin and LP Hok also helped to bless this batch. Excellent for power, authority, success, overcome obstacles, warding off black magic, evil spirits, enemies and all danger. Consecrated in 2559 (2016). 2 pieces available. $130 each.
大降伏猴神牌(九宝铜与金银铜制)叟通财批 - 出自龙普夫,邦萨玛寺,北柳府。已装入镀金壳,后面盖有标记和篇号。龙普是该府之顶尖高僧,而这是他在邦帕 空寺加持的最新一批牌。其他的顶尖高僧如龙普格梁、龙普型和龙普霍也来帮助他加持这批牌。能赐予力量、威严 、成功、克服障碍、使降头、邪灵、敌人及一切危险不得近身。佛历2559(2016)年开光。有2粒 。每粒130元

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Phayant Na Jang Ngang 纳张黯布符

Phayant Na Jang Ngang (Cloth material, 11" x 11") 2nd Wai Kru Spore 59 batch from AJ Od of Wat Bunrod, Bangkok. With blood spitted on each piece. AJ Od is a famous 3rd generation monk of the AJ Fon lineage. Excellent for powerful Metta Saneh, Metta Mahaniyom, good business sales and evasion of all danger. Consecrated in 2559 (2015). 4 pieces available. $40 each.
纳张黯布符(布制, 11寸x11寸)第二次59新加坡拜师批 - 出自阿赞喔,汶若寺,曼谷。每张都喷有血迹。阿赞是阿赞逢传承第三代的有名僧人。能赐予异性缘、大众缘、好生意及避开一切危险。佛历2559(2016)年开光。有4张。每张40元

*Special heart katha will be taught*

Locket AJ Fon 4 Liam II 阿赞逢四方法相

Locket AJ Fon 4 Liam II (Clay material) 2nd Wai Kru Spore 59 batch from AJ Od of Wat Bunrod, Bangkok. With holy powder, holy soil and bone fragments from AJ Fon, hairs from LP Sangga, 3 takruts and blood cloth embedded behind. AJ Od is a famous 3rd generation monk of the AJ Fon lineage. Excellent for powerful Metta Saneh, Metta Mahaniyom, good business sales and evasion of all danger. Consecrated in 2559 (2015). 5 pieces available. $88 each.
阿赞逢四方法相(陶瓷制)第二次59新加坡拜师批 - 出自阿赞喔,汶若寺,曼谷。背后塞有圣粉、阿赞逢之圣土和骨碎、龙婆桑阿之毛发、3支符管及血布。阿赞是阿赞逢传承第三代的有名僧人。能赐予异性缘、大众缘、好生意及避开一切危险。佛历2559(2016)年开光。有5粒。每粒88元

*Special heart katha will be taught*

Monday, July 18, 2016

Takrut Suriyan Jantra 日月神符管

Takrut Suriyan Jantra (Copper material, 1.5") from LP Supot of Wat Si Songtham, Nakhon Sawan. With holy wax stuffed at both ends. This old batch takrut is made during the last year of the Jatukam craze. Quite uncommon the have Jatukam amulet in takrut form. LP Supot is one of the top guru monks of Nakhon Sawan today, famous for his wide wicha knowledge. Excellent for power, authority, success, wealth, influence, boost luck and protection from all danger. Consecrated in 2550 (2007). 3 pieces available. $50 each.
日月神符管(铜制, 1.5寸)- 出自龙婆素魄,席宋坛寺,那空沙旺府。符管两端塞了圣蜡。这早期的符管是在泽度金风潮最后一年制造的。很少有泽度金牌做成符管型。师父乃是该府当今之顶尖高僧,以他广泛的法术造诣而闻名。能赐予力量、威严、成功、财富、影响力、起运及在一切危险中得到保护。佛历2550(2007)年开光。有3支。每支50元

Takrut Katha:

Om Suiryan Jantra,
Ehi Jittang Piyang Mak Mak (7x).

Mah Sep Nang Maha Mon 大咒马媾女

Mah Sep Nang Maha Mon (Pong Prai material) 1st batch from LP Kasem of Wat Ubosot Ban Lao, Chiang Mai. Made using occult Pong Prai powder, with Yant plate and serial no in front, takrut and corpse cloth embedded behind. LP Kasem is a master of Mon wicha and occult arts. Excellent for great attraction, finding love, relationship harmony, wealth attraction and good business sales. Consecrated in 2559 (2016). 2 pieces available. $60 each.
大咒马媾女(鬼魂粉制)第一批 - 出自龙婆卡贤,乌钵索寺,清迈府。此牌用灵异的鬼魂粉制成,前面有符片和篇号,后面塞符管和尸布。师父是精通孟传法术和阴灵法的高手。能赐予大魅力、爱情、和合、招财及好生意买卖。佛历2559(2016)年开光。有2粒。每粒60元

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Phayant Palad Pha Klum Sop 裹尸布阳神布符

Phayant Palad Pha Klum Sop (Cloth material, 9.5" x 9") from AJ Somsak of Ban Tamni Ngam, Rachaburi. Made using corpse cloth, this phayant is completely hand drawn by him. It is then dapped with NMP from a dead pregnant woman. This is a combination of Yant wicha as well as Occult art, super powerful for love and sales. AJ Somsak is a master of ancient Khmer Saneh wicha. Excellent for strong attraction, popularity, love success, good luck and good business sales. Can be worn or used for shop Fengshui purpose as well. Consecrated in 2559 (2016). Limited pieces made. $120. SOLD. Thks for support!
裹尸布阳神布符(布制, 9.5寸x9寸)- 出自阿赞宋萨,昙尼黯舍,叻丕府。此布符用裹尸布制成,完全由他手画。之后沾死去的怀孕妇女之尸油。这是符法和阴灵法的合成体,据说用在爱情和买卖的威力超强。阿赞是古传柬式魅力法术的高手。能赐予强烈魅力、人见人爱、爱情成功、好运及好生意买卖。可以佩戴或用在商店风水。佛历2559(2016)年开光。数量很有限 。120元

**No katha required, just pray to it with your mind
and ask for help in whatever area u require. Offer
food, rice wine, flowers, perfume to the spirit of the
Phayant if it succeeds in helping u**