Saturday, January 9, 2016

Rian Phaya Yak 夜叉王牌

Rian Phaya Yak (Takua material) from AJ Pon of Utayan Phra Lersi Yai, Suphanburi. With many Yants and kathas on both sides. This 8 armed Phaya Yak with many weapons is the divine king of the Yakkhas, with many riddhi powers. Excellent for power, authority, wealth, success, warding off black magic, evil spirits and all danger. Consecrated in 2556 (2013). 2 pieces available. $60 each. SOLD OUT. Thks for support!
夜叉王牌(锡制)- 出自阿赞碰,大鲁士庙,素攀府。两面都有许多符印和经文。这个手持多种武器的八臂夜叉王是夜叉族的神王,拥有广大的神通力。能赐予力量、威严、财富、成功、使降头、邪灵及一切危险不得近身。佛历2556(2013)年开光。有2粒。每粒60元

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